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  1. Tim035

    Performance Enhancing Drugs.

    Taketheatrain, who is your display pic?
  2. Tim035

    Best places near UNSW to hang out etc.?

    If you got a break <2 hours, just chill on campus or go to macca's if you want. >2 hours and you're seriously bored, jump on a bus to the city, there really isn't anything in randwick besides a couple of fastfood outlets.
  3. Tim035

    HSC plus problem :(

    There aren't many (if any) courses that give bonus points where someone with an ATAR >95 would not get in.
  4. Tim035

    too many international students

    I remember in neurophysiology they put the best and worse answers to some of the mid semester exam questions on a powerpoint. The bad ones were written in the worse broken English I've ever seen. As the lecturer started reading them out I lost it and burst in laughter, I had to just put my head...
  5. Tim035

    ohemgee do i HAVE to wait till march 1 to start uni z0mgzzz

    No No NO No No NO No No NO No No NO No No NO No No NO No No NO No No NO No No NO No No NO....... Can we just stay in January permanently? Jeez, you people are crazy.
  6. Tim035

    too many international students

    Oh gawd.. The amount of times I wanted to face-palm when it was my Asian partners turn to do his / her part of the presentation. Once again though, I don't blame them, I'm sure they'd feel like face palming if I had to give a presentation in their native tongue.
  7. Tim035

    Question for the boys ...

    Sounds like any demographic
  8. Tim035

    Question for the boys ...

    I had a one nighter just before Christmas with a girl who was 'thick'. Holy shit was she an animal! I'd never had sex from so many different angles in one session. Is this a stereotype anyone else has found with larger women?
  9. Tim035

    Performance Enhancing Drugs.

    I swear this exact same thread was made a few months back (it even used fish oil tablets as an example). I don't think you are going to consciously notice a better memory from taking fish-oil tablets. Although my brother who is really hyperactive / borderline ADD finds he can concentrate a...
  10. Tim035

    too many international students

    The only downside is none of them are big drinkers or party animals. Kind of makes the whole uni atmosphere a bit dull and mellow; I can't blame them though, if I was a full paying student I'd be studying dam hard to make sure I didn't have to pay more due to repeating courses.
  11. Tim035

    MedSci 09

    I spent a minute trying to think wtf that is before continuing to read your post
  12. Tim035

    MedSci 09

    Requirements are a minimum weighted average mark (WAM) of 65 (although I hear it may be bumped up to 70). This in itself isn't terribly difficult to achieve, however if there is competition between who gets to do honors with a certain professor, it will usually go to the person with the highest WAM.
  13. Tim035

    No HSC Biology

    Lol I actually remember that - Going through the dot points, writing up all these notes on plants and then suddenly it says something along the lines of 'give 4 reasons for the importance of water as a solute in the mammalian vascular system' Blueprint of life was fairly logically ordered...
  14. Tim035

    No HSC Biology

    Are you referring to all the stuff on ethics with transgenic animals that you learn?
  15. Tim035


    Sounds like you have a lot of reading / research to do before considering them. If you don't properly plan out a cycle and modify your diet correctly whilst on them, you can say goodbye to your liver and kidneys!
  16. Tim035

    What is UNSW like in terms of social life, for Aussie Caucasians?

    Good response. The only thing I would add is that if you have a science background (from tafe) you may be better doing B.Sci initially as it is a lot more definite in terms of a right and wrong answer. For 1st year science if you study hard, learn everything necessary and then demonstrate that...
  17. Tim035

    No HSC Biology

    QFT. If you really wanted to get some basic knowledge down pat, you could go over basic cell anatomy (where the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum etc.. are) + DNA structure. But it's not necessary, the lectures are fairly decent and taught at a rate where it's not hard to grasp...
  18. Tim035

    Bridging courses for B.Science

    yeah, unsw has a course called I think MATH1011, I don't believe it can actually count as undergrad units though. I'm pretty sure at either uni chemistry is fairly mandatory for most majors and can be very difficult if you did not do hsc chem. What area were you looking to major in?
  19. Tim035

    What is UNSW like in terms of social life, for Aussie Caucasians?

    1 rep max it is, but I seem to gas out real quick, so that's the most I can do 5 reps of. That's quite out of date anyway, got up to 142.5kg, however I'm not lifting at the moment, doing brazilian jiu-jitsu and unfortunately can't afford that and gym membership.
  20. Tim035

    Running Music

    I download for free- 'Trance around the world' and 'A state of trance' Pod casts off itunes, works well as you can run to the beat.