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  1. winicat

    PrincessSJ smells

    hey look! a fake princess_sj!!! *>scandal!<*
  2. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    wtf?? *feels virtually abused* ... do i get to see them??? :D
  3. winicat

    I Think...

    cyph 10char
  4. winicat

    I Think...

    i think emily, bon-bon and jess should be gagged .. it would lead to many less disagreements and much more lovin'
  5. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    CURSE THOSE PUNEY RUBBISH THROWING YEAR 7 GIRLS!!!! who, i noticed, took our table!!!! THE table!!! it's under the reign of those little PESTS!!! *cries* Where's my hitman ferret when I need him??? oh, let's send everyone but seniors home even though they did nothing. yeah, that'll learn...
  6. winicat

    I Think...

    *shakes head sadly*
  7. winicat

    I Think...

    you not getting the point of the literary reference
  8. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    hmm.. yeah, there was a pretty big drug scene at MHS lol
  9. winicat

    I Think...

    try telling all that to two drunk males, ready to fight :) and it's mice, dolphins, humans .. duh.
  10. winicat

    I Think...

    is cyph's alter ego lord vadar?
  11. winicat

    I Think...

    you really thought about that a lot, didn't you?
  12. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    i know it's a state school, i'm not stupid. but basically it's a "fee free" private school, because everyone classes it at the same level of education (so to speak). a lot of kids who don't get in there are sent to private schools, hence the reason why they pushed the test earlier this year...
  13. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    i thought someone said they didn't want a "my school is better than your school" debate... MHS is the fee-free private school :)
  14. winicat

    I Think...

    that's cause i'm just so much cooler than everyone else
  15. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    i'mma kitty, youse a duckie and asy lives in a lake and is a lake monster. tina is a polar bear and kirsti is a pink chameleon. and wrongturn is a baby chimpanzee
  16. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    who said the thing about kotara having 3U gardo and 2U beach? i liked that .. i think it's totally relevant to kotara (not to generalise or anything lol) what did we have? 3U 3 monkies, 2U desa's .. what else? i can't think of anyplace else stupid we used to go..
  17. winicat

    UNCLE spam thread

    i'm not going in :D i made my bank appointment in the middle of my class lol
  18. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    what? like you?
  19. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    it was a choice between there and newy high, which would you have picked???
  20. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    yeah, but they'll never be better than us :D