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  1. kloudsurfer

    The Woolworths Thread

    There is absolutely nothing shameful about having a job. On the contrary, it is much more shameful is to rely on your parents for money rather then working to support yourself.
  2. kloudsurfer

    The Woolworths Thread

    Speaking of discount cards, my wallet got stolen ages ago and i havent gotten around to asking about getting a new discount card. Can I get a new one? How do I go about doing so? I rarely work these days so i keep forgetting to ask at work...
  3. kloudsurfer

    Academic Scholarships?

    Hey, Ive been researching the UWS Academic Excellence Scholarships, and im hoping to get one for 2009 (i deferred my course). I was just wondering what my chances of getting one are. Do they give a lot of them out? What UAI do you need realistically to get one, is it just those who get like 99...
  4. kloudsurfer

    Official UWS Student List 2008

    MBBS Campbelltown 2009 (taking a gap yr, but i thought id post to feel special!)
  5. kloudsurfer

    Screwed for Umat, plz help!!

    Im still going with my initial idea that Marina is actually Dallas himself.
  6. kloudsurfer

    Screwed for Umat, plz help!!

    Also, I just thought this warranted posting on all of these prep course thread that has been hijacked by certain members: Like I said, guess its not just "missed entry" that is being deceptive...
  7. kloudsurfer

    UMAT course - AMEPP - Reliable?

    I just thought this warranted posting on all of these prep course thread that has been hijacked by certain members: Guess its not just "missed entry" that is being deceptive...
  8. kloudsurfer

    Which UMAT course is better?

    I just thought this warranted posting on all of these prep course thread that has been hijacked by certain members: Guess its not just "missed entry" that is being deceptive...
  9. kloudsurfer

    Screwed for Umat, plz help!!

    Oh man this is hilarious. Sounds to me like someone is spreading discord and telling lies to discredit people. Marina, maybe if you are trying to prove a point about certain prep courses using underhanded and deceptive methods, you should not do the same. Your statements are ridiculously...
  10. kloudsurfer

    Which UMAT course is better?

    Hey, back off. AussieChica is a valued member of this forum who has been around for a lot longer than you and certianly has no affiliation with Medentry. Its a bit rich for you to come on this forum and start insulting and falsely accusing her. Get your facts right.
  11. kloudsurfer

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    18 Fruit Shop 13.70 p/h. Still at Big W also, earning 13.30 p/h. Ahh, the joys of a gap yearing for youth allowance...
  12. kloudsurfer

    UMAT help required!!!

    What he said. ^^^^
  13. kloudsurfer

    The Official "I GOT THE JOB!!!:D:D" Thread

    I got a Cashier job at a random fruit shop! Technically im on 'trial' for a week, but apparently they say that to everyone just to weed out the completely incompetent people. They seem to like me so hopefully theyll keep me!
  14. kloudsurfer

    Final Fantasy XII

    Are you serious? Im not even 30 hours in! Aww man, im never gonna finish X, let alone XII (which i still havent played since i last posted lol)
  15. kloudsurfer

    UMAT help required!!!

    Haha. Bacilli does not work for Medentry. To me it sounds more like you work for Dallas. Out of curiousity, have you even started the course yet?
  16. kloudsurfer

    UNSW Med Sci 08: ROLL CALL!

    Right now im tossing up between medicine and med sci. Like everyone else, i failed to get into med, and it has made me think of the alternatives, and whether i would like med research better. I love learning and science (which would suggest id like research better) but i also love working with...
  17. kloudsurfer

    medical science...useless?

    You can do a masters/PhD or something and become a Research Scientist.
  18. kloudsurfer

    late round offers

    Yup :)
  19. kloudsurfer

    Science Degrees

    Med Sci, Advanced Sci of Specific Science Degree? Hey, Im having a hard time choosing between some degrees (dont worry, im deferring this yr if you are thinking its too late to be asking!). I got an offer for Med Sci at UNSW. However I have been looking at the degree BSc (Molecular...