Search results

  1. sunny

    Sports & Rec club

    There isn't competition like you're thinking of. Sport and Rec is the uni's body on sport/recreation. Theres a set of guidelines on what consititutes as a sports club. Ok, so you're not talking about a sports club, so the chances you're going to get Sport and Rec listening is about 0. If you...
  2. sunny

    Sports & Rec club

    I guess they could try, I doubt it would get anywhere though. SA = Sports Association. What sport at UNSW was before the gym and the SA merged.
  3. sunny

    Sports & Rec club

    You have no idea how much red tape there is running a club. Sport and Rec only has sport clubs. The recent merger of the gym and the SA has only been, in my opinion, backwards for sport at UNSW.
  4. sunny

    Sports & Rec club

    Its not just a matter of starting a club though. Theres a list of requirements before a "sport" club can be started at Sport and Rec.
  5. sunny

    Sports & Rec club

    You might have better luck with the fitness courses run the the Lifestyle Centre, rather than sports clubs..
  6. sunny

    Textbook queries

    Be nice to them to maintain resale value.
  7. sunny

    exams enquiry

    I 'lol' also.
  8. sunny

    fee paying help!!!!?!?!?
  9. sunny

    question help

    Structured, RAD, etc
  10. sunny

    Fee are up on myUNSW

  11. sunny

    Mentor Program

    Category of mentor/mentee.
  12. sunny

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    You've been offered a scholarship, provided you actually make the course (UAI, accept the offer etc)
  13. sunny

    HELP: Subject Clashes

    1) Can you pick different streams? 2) If they're electives, can you pick different subjects? 3) Email the LIC most likely to reply first requesting a clash permitted (if thats what you really want)
  14. sunny

    Changing class times?

    Not sure about that, but unless someone comes in and takes that spot at that exact moment I very much doubt it.
  15. sunny

    Changing class times?

    Swap the subject for itself in myUNSW.
  16. sunny

    Has anyone ever......

    Your posts just reaffirms why I'm glad I've already graduated, so I won't have selfish pricks like you contemplating ruining a free student service for everybody else. Garbage in, garbage out. You shouldn't have expected otherwise.
  17. sunny

    Getting into full tutorials

    - wait for people to drop out / change their timetables right up till census - rock up to the tute anyway, if its one of those subjects that don't really care who is in a tute really (probably a bad idea for 1917)