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  1. sunny

    2 Possible Civ. Eng. Timetables - Poll

    The year I did higher physics 1A the class average for the mid session was 35% :lol: Things have probably changed since then though.
  2. sunny

    2 Possible Civ. Eng. Timetables - Poll

    Neither are ideal, but that depends on you as a person. Do you think you can handle a day of classes 9am to 6pm with one break?
  3. sunny

    Laptop Ideas

  4. sunny

    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    Yep they're not repeats, you go to all of them. You can pick a different stream of lectures, which are repeats, eg, another stream might be: Mon 1100-1200, Wed 1200-1300, Fri 1400-1500 Depends on the subject, sometimes its ok to mix and match between streams to suit yourself. Classes usually...
  5. sunny

    Computer Science / Arts

    If you're doing the Arts degree, then you should follow the new program.
  6. sunny

    Offer for BIT. How do you accept?

    Sorry but what's on tomorrow? If its one of those enrolment help days they should have people there with computers that help you with enrolment problems. If the only thing thats bothering you is the code for IS showing up, it would be easier to just call the coop office or the BIT director.
  7. sunny

    Computer Sci & Physics bridging course

    If you don't plan on doing physics/elec for your electives then probably not that important at all.
  8. sunny

    Offer for BIT. How do you accept?

    Relax guys the coop people can pull all sorts of strings, so don't worry about anything.
  9. sunny

    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    Yes you can, these are called census dates - theres different dates to discontinue from courses without financial/academic penalty. Check for those dates.
  10. sunny

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Working good for me atm
  11. sunny

    WTF does RAID mean?

    It may be worth a go :)
  12. sunny

    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    You'll find very few take notes using a laptop, even in computing classes. You'll find yourself needing to scribble things here and there. If the lecturer provides lecture notes, then you'll probably annotate those notes yourself, so it would be easier to write with pen and paper. Its up to...
  13. sunny

    Favourite Lecturer / Tutor ?

    All comp students will agree on richardb. 2nd maybe andrewt. Best tutor I had was lwkoh for DSS and Computer Architecture. Always on the standby to help you out.
  14. sunny


    The handbook will answer everything you need to know about your degree: UNSW Handbook Program - Science - 3970 Flexible degrees like the science ones with majors/minors need a little bit of planning to make sure you satisfy the requirements to get your degree. Re gen eds, see the sticky in the...
  15. sunny

    WTF does RAID mean?

    Imagine the two drives becoming one, theoretically faster drive, so you can read/write to it faster. You might expect some performance boost but its not guaranteed. Hey if he's got two HDDs, and a motherboard that supports setting up RAID then theres really no money lost is there :) Perhaps...
  16. sunny

    WTF does RAID mean?

    There are many many kinds of RAIDs :) each with its own strength and weaknesses, have a read: RAID - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Most non-budget motherboards nowdays have support for RAID 0 or 1 (but its probably "fake" RAID). vds700 gave a pretty good summary of RAID 0 and RAID 1. I have...
  17. sunny

    The Tech Support Chronicles

    Not exactly tech support, but similar... I worked in a programming job about 2 years ago, but a certain library at a certain tertiary institute. They wanted some sort of issue tracking system custom-developed, but were resistant on taking on COTS solutions, or anything else I suggested really...
  18. sunny

    When is UNSW enrolment?

    haha yeh I realised and reupped it. I like the 2003/04 (white) ones the best, not too fancy and nice background.
  19. sunny

    When is UNSW enrolment?

    Its no biggie I guess - they probably had all the cards ready, and just gave you a new one since you needed it anyway. Card collection!!
  20. sunny

    When is UNSW enrolment?

    Yes you're right! Its an old habit to get cards before session started. In the 2005 and prior student cards the expiry date only had the month on it like 03/06, so we take that as the start of the month, which was usually by the end of week 1.