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  1. yoakim

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    Yeah, I've done a fair bit but then I havn't completed everything I wanted. As for now it's just light revision of my study notes, practise eng essays (to get me familiar with them again), and revision maths qu's from prelim course.
  2. yoakim

    Too slow?

    Yeah I'm a slow writer sometimes. I've been practising essays for AOS english, and I get pretty frustrated because I want to speed up my writing but it's hard to improve in a short time. I usually blame my pen, or my technique of writing, or how I hold my pen etc. Sometimes I can write fast...
  3. yoakim

    Chemistry Class of 2007: Roll Call

    Haha you serious! That seems fun. Did I just say it was fun? haha. I'm trying not to look at the 2005 and 2006 HSC exams for my subjects until around a few weeks before my trials so that I can do them under exam conditions, and compare the marks that I get with past students lol - It's all about...
  4. yoakim

    Umat? Summer School?

    That's why I'm yet to decide whether I will or won't do a prep. course haha. But the good news is that there are always other ways to get into med
  5. yoakim

    Chemistry Class of 2007: Roll Call

    Haha I wanted to do Biochemistry of movement, I LOVE THAT KIND OF STUFF - it also relates quite closely with Biology's option: biochemistry. Although I'm doing forensic chemistry, which looks really interesting. Personally the Industrial Chemistry looks quite complex :S but I guess it ties in...
  6. yoakim

    Class of 07-List of threads

    haha cool, never knew they even existed! awesome thanks. Haha I only have one subject there...sor2u is already rejected.
  7. yoakim

    Summer Progress.

    I can't be bothered studying anymore haha, Party Poker has got a hold of me again!
  8. yoakim

    Missed Opportunities?

    Earth and Environmental Science, Agriculture, and Eng Ext 1 - I would like to have done those.
  9. yoakim

    Syllabus Notes - Format

    Hah, I never type my notes up - doesn't get into my head.
  10. yoakim

    Class of 07-List of threads

    Haha there's quite a bit missing.
  11. yoakim

    1 week to go, no work done

    Haha I didn't prepare myself jackall at the start of year 11, though I regret no doing so...haha it's all good, you guys shouldn't stress already!
  12. yoakim

    Need To Find A Good Pen

    Haha, yeah I use Bic Smoothies, love them. And I also use papermate flexigrip ultra, I may have to try out those Papermate Gel Rollers.
  13. yoakim

    mathematical induction

    Oh, hahaha I remember I had a year 12 assessment on maths induction last term and I got mmmmm.....4/30. lol. Of course, without preparing at all for it. Concentrating on 2u more. 3u for me = zilch.
  14. yoakim

    Preliminary 07'ers

    Good luck prelimers.
  15. yoakim

    Too slow?

    Before the summer holidays started I created a holiday study planner to see my study progress alongside with my social life = balance between both. To see my progress I circled the boxes that I've actually completed and scribbled out the ones that I havn't completed. At the top each of day I...
  16. yoakim

    Am I spendin too much time on dot points?

    Yeah I don't like chem pracs, they get confusing. Don't forget to always put in errors + improvements, they always ask those qu's.
  17. yoakim

    Syllabus Notes - Format

    Yeah I've got a few "study note tricks" :). - I always have big RED headings for things, and I double underline it. - I use different colour pens: Blue, Red, Black, and Green Blue = normal study notes, Red = key terms, Black = key Statements/quotes, Green = Most important Points that can't be...
  18. yoakim


    B.Optom/B.Sci is something like 99.00 right?
  19. yoakim

    Too slow?

    Everyone has their own pace in HSC preparation that they can cope with, and they shouldn't try to copy other people's. Unless of course if you believe that you're method isn't working then you can try using other people's methods of studying/working. Yeah note taking usually takes me a while...
  20. yoakim

    I Am Scared.

    Yeah it ain't all that bad. If you don't get the marks etc then you always have the following years to make up for it. There are always other ways/paths to reach your goal.