Search results

  1. Tim035

    What is UNSW like in terms of social life, for Aussie Caucasians?

    ITT a bunch of Asians unleash years of being inferior by finally being given the opportunity to bully someone who clearly must be lower then them if they had to go to TAFE.
  2. Tim035

    Advance science at UNSW or USYD

    After 3 years you have a decent amount of knowledge, but realistically, not much in the way of lab skills, nor a real area of expertise. You may be able to find a really basic entry level lab assistant job, but otherwise you'll be applying for jobs in and outside of science based on the 'soft...
  3. Tim035

    Medical Science

    - Research assistant - Regulatory affairs - Science writing / journalism - Quality control / calibrating scientific equipment - Pharmaceuticals sales rep - Pathology / diagnostics lab worker - clinical trials / clinical pharmacology - Toxicology & poisons information service - IP...
  4. Tim035

    Is it possible to study all the advanced units of study in a BSc?

    Bsc, Bsc Adv, Med Sci, Biotech etc, It's all seriously the same thing
  5. Tim035

    weights and joint damage

    If it was a burning sensation it could just be from having not isolated that muscle group under load before. If it's a sharp, pinching kind of pain or your shoulders feel really clunky or are cracking as you do the movement then you need to re-evaluate your form.
  6. Tim035

    weights and joint damage

    If you have bad shoulders, go easy on standing military and bench press. If you tear your rotator cuffs, your shoulders are never the same again.
  7. Tim035

    Doctor at UNSW ?

    You sat the hsc this year and you're deciding now that you might want to be a doctor? Difficulty is related to how good your memory is. You will be required to know thousands of body parts, diseases, drugs etc etc..
  8. Tim035

    What is UNSW like in terms of social life, for Aussie Caucasians?

    Seeing you'll be on lower campus + have ~10 contact hours per week I think you'll survive. However, it is true what people say; especially on the buses in the morning it's not uncommon that I'm the only Aussie on board. Most of them are quiet and shy and a foot shorter, so I like to pretend they...
  9. Tim035

    The well: The Students of Medical Science Society any questions you got

    I'm doing honors at UNSW, so as part of SOMS, so I'll definitely be around for drinks etc.. - So true about there being a lot of big egos in Innovation management!
  10. Tim035

    The well: The Students of Medical Science Society any questions you got

    Oh wait, is the internship to fulfill your diploma of innovation management? How did the coffee shop end up going? Theo speaks the truth, it becomes entirely your responsibility whilst at uni to try and establish a network which will aid you in transitioning in to a science based career...
  11. Tim035

    The well: The Students of Medical Science Society any questions you got

    Hey Theo, Tim here; are you a stalker on these forums or is this a new account ? lol Gratz on the internship, are you getting paid? Axiom: - Adv Sci vs. Med sci --> There's no huge difference, check out the variations between the two study programs in the handbook. Adv Sci has a couple...
  12. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    - 15 minutes of basic conditioning (skipping rope, push ups, crunches, bridges) - 10 minutes with partner- basic take-down into armbar - 10 minutes with partner- Headlock escape into shoulder lock - 10 minutes sparring with partner; no submissions, restart if one reaches full mount or leg lock...
  13. Tim035

    The official Medical Science thread

    I'd love to go overseas for work / research following honors this year, probably the states though. I've started doing some cell culturing, my supervisor gave me some tubes to take home so I can practice screwing the lids off and on using my non-dominant hand, lol.
  14. Tim035

    Medicinal chemistry

    Yeah... providing you are then willing to teach yourself first year chem and biology.
  15. Tim035

    Medicinal chemistry

    I still am really unsure as to what will be expected of me, or exactly what I will be doing. Hopefully that will become clear; I'm going in once or twice a week over January - February to learn some basic technique etc.
  16. Tim035

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    1 hour. It's a BJJ gym but they hold MMA sessions 3 times a week; however they contract in this guy who I think is really just a personal trainer, as it just feels like a gym boxing class. Probably just going to go to the BJJ classes, and if I have the time in the future I will learn Muai Thai...
  17. Tim035

    Medicinal chemistry

    What are contact hours for honors like? Is it basically the equivalent of a 9 - 5? I'd like to think I will still be able to go to the gym and jui-jitsu during my honors year. My project is pretty set now, going to be developing and testing drugs for prostate cancer.
  18. Tim035

    My Fitness First contract is void?

    Do you spare with hear gear and mouth guards at fitness first, or is it just pads and bag work?
  19. Tim035

    UNSW 2009 S2 Results Thread

    UNSW Assessment Results for Semester 2 2009 Issued at Tue Dec 1 17:20:02 2009 ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T2 GENC7002 Getting Into...
  20. Tim035

    UNSW 2009 S2 Results Thread

    Are emails getting sent out tonight or tomorrow night? I was going to go out... might have to stick around.