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  1. Misturi

    American Idol 3 [Poll No. 2]

    I think american idol sucks. I don't see why they get to air American Idol on Australian soil. Its stupid.
  2. Misturi

    Sunday Nights: American Idol or The Block

    Big brother. If not big bro then the block...nothing like aussie tv, l can't stand american crap (other than the simpsons)
  3. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    I got 25-18.... Someone l know said it was 19-18...l dunno whats going on!
  4. Misturi

    King Lear Essay

    Well, l suck at essay writing. For the practise essay we did on another topic l got 13/20, which isn't what l'd like. I don't word my paragraphs right (she knows this and its trying to help me to start writing them properly). And sometimes l repeat myself a lot without knowing it. I...
  5. Misturi

    King Lear Essay

    Thanks Sam! I hate shakespeare....King Lear is a good plot, but its the way he writes things l can't understand. If l get a pass or even 15/20 l'll be cheering. I asked everyone else in the class what they did and some said they did similar to me, but some didn't, thats why l was a bit...
  6. Misturi

    What should l do?

    I understand what you mean but l am doing it for myself, its just that l want my parents to be happy. I have this thing that when my parents are angry its always my fault... But anyways, thanks :)
  7. Misturi

    Home and Away

    No no they are the backwards ones, they are on the inside of her teeth, you pause it on a section of her and you can see the metal on the inside. I cna't believe seb left...l will remember him always :(
  8. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    It was 16 all. EDIT: Its now 25-18, bulldogs way.
  9. Misturi

    What should l do?

    Thanks Justin. I had this problem last year, but with chemistry. I focused too much on the prelim part instead of the hsc (which we were doing at the same time at one point) and l think thats one of the reasons why l fell behind. The only problem is that my parents want me to go really well in...
  10. Misturi

    King Lear Essay

    Oh right, that might help huh? It was something about "though the suffering Lear went through, he made self discovery" The it asked if this was a positive thing. Also it asked to make references to other characters in the play. Sorry but thats all l can remember.
  11. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    I heard that bulldogs did as well.
  12. Misturi

    What should l do?

    Thanks very much.
  13. Misturi

    Big Brother's Back

    In that picture, wtf is that thing next to the chick in the dress?
  14. Misturi

    NRL Thread

    Does anyone know what clubs breached the rule? there were panthers and 5 other clubs.
  15. Misturi

    HSC Study Conferences

    Have you ever been to a hsc study conference one before?
  16. Misturi

    What should l do?

    Ah l see. We call it accelerated. Thanks for your help, but should l concentrate on the work we have left for prelim and the prelim exam or not?
  17. Misturi

    What should l do?

    Well we call it accelerated. Its going ahead in the sence that we do 2 exams for the hsc in one year and 4 in the next. We call it focus studies. Anyways thats not the point, the point is what should l do about my problem?
  18. Misturi

    What should l do?

    l'm sorry but it is accelerated. think what you want. I did prelim and hsc chem last year, this year l'm doing prelim + hsc hospo and bio
  19. Misturi

    songs your obssessing over

    That song is so gay!!! In America they took the censored version off daytime radio and eamon or whatever his name is had a bitch about that.
  20. Misturi

    Whats the most marks you ever scabbed?

    Luckily you picked that out!