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  1. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Yeah I dont think so :(, but I guess its worth emailing anyway, My thought was that if I showed them I could catch up in this weeks work and the most of the other important stuff- whihc i basically already know they will be more inclined to let me in. Btw how much yr 11 content is involved in...
  2. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Tbh at this point im prepared to study my ass off do do well in all my subjects in the prelim exam lpus sit the chem prelim exam even if they don't let me join.
  3. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    im such a shit decision maker I should of listened to you guys. My teachers advice dominated my decision.
  4. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Im trying to see how much i can ccatch up onn over the end of this week and the weekend to see if it is viable for me.
  5. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    well, the lore might be dead now.. They basically dogged me from the self study prelim and have now said its not possible. Im an idiot. NOO offence to EES students but I thought I made the right decision until i got into the class and we started learning about sewage water.. What have I done.
  6. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    I have gotten an offer to self study chemistry instead of my modern history class. Im gonna take this offer as I still get access to all the resources the chemistry class get but just have to sort of learn it myslef. I can still ask the teachers questions and stuff. I feel this is good for me as...
  7. v.tex

    How much do you have to study for hard subjects in the hsc.

    I always see people who did Physics, Chem, Physics, MX2 and manage to band 6 them all. Realistically if you want to do this how much do you have to study a day?
  8. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    I know, i know.. just feel in the scheme of things i will be better off to stay 😢
  9. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Hey guys, I know many recommended me to just switch but tbh i’ve thought about it and i think not switching is a better option. I really had to get through the other half of mod 2 and complete the rest of mod 3 after only learning it for 3 hours. While i probably could have caught up i feel it...
  10. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    @spiderfan44 You could probably answer this. How much of yr 11 content for earth is involved in yr 12? I am just thinking whether if this switch goes terribly I could join earth again for yr 12. Although this obviously wouldn't work If i would be even more behind for earth.
  11. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    I don’t know if this is a good idea but it’s safer i guess. I still have a bit of a day to decide since i dont have chem tomorrow but if im gonna do it i realistically need to start studying by tomorrow for it
  12. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Yah tbh i don’t know if im prepared to forfeit my earth marks and class for a gamble. Im gonna see if they let me to self study instead of my modern class so i can see how it goes up to the prelim. If i too good i will drop earth if i do bad i will drop chem, depending on if they let me do this...
  13. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Yeah, tbh I was adament on switching to chemistry, just the doubt and recommendation of everyone I talk to has really put my idea down.. Idk whether I should listen to them- they could be on to something or just go with my flow.
  14. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    So earth scales terribly meaning if i keep it im almost screwed either way if i want a high atar.
  15. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Yeah i have been considering multiple degrees i want to pursue, many having chemistry as assumed knowledge
  16. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    I don’t necessarily need 95, I just want to push myself as high as i can go.
  17. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Surely it isn't that high?
  18. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    Damn, is the scaling seriously that bad for earth, holly.
  19. v.tex

    I need urgent advice.

    I know, I know.. Am sorta just scared imma be be negatively effected. Plus it doesn't help that no one is supportive of my switch with my teachers and parents