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  1. L

    switching between courses?

    hey, i just want to know, if it's possible, to switch between a course, like say from spanish continuers to spanish beginners, for prelims? Or if it's possible to start a course in prelims, mid year?
  2. L

    Board of Studies letters

    Re: Bored of Studies letters they work like this. If you forget you're homework alot, you're a bad bad person. You get sent a letter with a bIIIG N on it. If you keep forgetting, You keep getting that letter with tha big N! n for naughty. If you get lots of 'naughties'... ...then you fail...
  3. L

    Software Design - Show of hands...

    software is maaaad, its a fun subject. especially if ya noe how to program. But how do you get to do it via distance education? What school do you go to for that?
  4. L

    extx 1 maths nightmare

    if you suck at it, drop it. don't believe that just because everyone in your school is doing shit, that everyone else in the state is. Chances are, you're just not made for maths. Try another subject. Ask for switching between courses. Don't stay just because you're friends are. You gotta know...
  5. L

    Other girls doing Engineering Studies?

    when people show me thaaa stats for women being better at men, at engineering in general, then i'll believe it. until then... guys eaaaaat chiks at engineering. =)
  6. L

    Distinction Courses 2007

    what if say, we do really well in 2 unit accelerated maths, like get 97/98, but we're also doing accelerated 3 unit maths, and we do shiitthouse in that?
  7. L

    maaths question...dont get it

    hey, you noe when ur curve sketchin and all, and ya find a point of inflection...i mean f''x = 0, do you have to determine it's type? Or just say 'its a point of inflection' ?
  8. L

    maaths question...dont get it

    must hav missed it
  9. L

    maaths question...dont get it

    lol yea thanks m8, sorri bout b4. take it easy, aye?
  10. L

    USyd HSC Courses

    doing something that goes to your UAI beats doing something that doesnt - more work for no reward? =S
  11. L

    Creative Writing

    are you allowed to write erotic stuff????????
  12. L

    maaths question...dont get it

    q5 2004 hsc, part (iii) Clair is learning to drive. Her first lesson is 30 min long. Her second lesson is 35 min long. each subsequent lesson is 5 min longer than the lesson before. iii - during which lesson will clair have completed a total of 50hours of driving lesson..? now me and my...
  13. L

    Distinction Courses 2007

    Bookie dude, what was your 'academic history' that you sent to them, before you got in? Like what did you send in, what were the report marks that you showed them - pleeeeaaaaaseee?
  14. L

    Other girls doing Engineering Studies?

    seriously, we've had change, we're in that kind of society now anyway. Women rights campaignin is bloody everywhere too, but thing is, this is pretty much an equal-equal society now. So when men get paid more, it's not because they've always been paid more, now its because they're in higher...
  15. L

    Other girls doing Engineering Studies?

    well you show me the stats for that...becoz ive got the stats for the fact that guys get paid better, and that there are more guys in engineering then chicks ( Why would they get paid better? Why would there be more guys then girls? Easy answer - guys are better at engineering.
  16. L

    Other girls doing Engineering Studies?

    because more guys than girls in the field, and there'd be a reason for that. they're better of course. =)
  17. L

    Prelim Course

    oh. ha. ha. ha. very funny. =)
  18. L

    Other girls doing Engineering Studies?

    why would a girl want to become an engineer?
  19. L


    but if infinity is somesuper majorly massive number then, wouldn't a supery majorly massive number be + 1 > then a superly majorly massive number? or does the infinity 'eat' the 1 up? =) (i got a weird imagination..) and onebytwo, you're treating infinity like a set number, but if it's...