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  1. yoakim

    How was your school day?

    all i feel is sorrow and guilt...
  2. yoakim

    Tell us your half-yearly results

    Well it does stop the overflooding of super intelligent non-english students competing with others.
  3. yoakim


    i just don't like shakespeare all together haha
  4. yoakim

    How was your school day?

    haha, I have only one assessment, i'm free for the time cup football here you come!
  5. yoakim


  6. yoakim

    dropping subjects

    Well, personally, I love music, but not music as a subject, it's just a real boring subject to study/work in. I can get band 6's throughout prelim/hsc, but I don't enjoy it. Due to this I have decided that I will drop it by the end of the year. And same goes for maths ext 1, it's real hard to...
  7. yoakim

    Hey Guys Need A Lil Bit Og Help/advice

    oh, i meant 3 hours min for year 12 haha, not year 11 haha no way
  8. yoakim

    Tell us your half-yearly results

    just wondering, for year 12, do their 'half-yearly' exams count towards their uai in the end? because i thought that the hsc onlyhad 3 things that counts towards the uai: - first assessment - trial exams - external exam
  9. yoakim

    Tell us your half-yearly results

    Biology: 87% - 1st Chemistry: 100% - 1st Eng Adv: 74% - 8th Maths Adv: 84% - 2nd Music 1: 91% - 1st Studies of Religion: 94% - 2nd
  10. yoakim

    Hey Guys Need A Lil Bit Og Help/advice

    mmm i've heard that you should be doing atleast 3 hours of study a night, and maximum of 5 hours a night.
  11. yoakim


    yeah i've got a complete critical study + complete full mark essay on Othello critical study is to do with the Area of Study: Personal Power (how the characters have been empowered or disempowered). I also have an essay on contrast and similarities between the play 'Othello' and the film 'O'...
  12. yoakim

    How was your school day?

    well, i was suppose to tennis coach today, but it rained so im free, have good weekends people
  13. yoakim

    The HSC - A series of driving tests...

    yeah, it is about your full potential in a way, but i don't understand the fact that 'we want to hear what we want to hear"
  14. yoakim

    How was your school day?

    i was trying to 'break the ice' if you know what i mean
  15. yoakim

    Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results

    Re: Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results v1.0 haha by the end of prelim, all those ranks will change, because people in my year will start to realise how important the hsc actually is now
  16. yoakim

    Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results

    Re: Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results v1.0 hehe chem,sor2,bio,mus1 1st :D ma, eng 2nd :D
  17. yoakim

    Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results

    Re: Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results v1.0 sweet, 98% studies of religion 2, and chem prac 100%
  18. yoakim

    Half Yearly Exams!

    hard trig and polynomials, i thought i nailed the polynomials down, but i got most of them wrong, and as for trig i got all of them wrong.
  19. yoakim

    How was your school day?

    nah, i first gave blood like 2 weeks ago. the finger prick doesn't hurt at all, and the needle that goes into your arm vein doesn't hurt at all too, only takes 5 min. After i had it i actually nearly fainted, i had a migraine and so i had to be in the elevation position haha
  20. yoakim

    Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results

    Re: Preliminary HSC Assessments-Thoughts/Results v1.0 haha better than my maths ext result: 10/44 i got 87% 1st woohoo!, maths adv 80% 2nd, and eng/chem/sor2 results tommorrow