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  1. N

    Screw HSC markers

    Why does the most shittiest subject have to be double marked? Why can't all? I fucking hate nesa (formerly bored of studies)
  2. N

    Screw HSC markers

    Fuck woke people.
  3. N

    Can I jerk your schlong off

    Can I jerk your schlong off
  4. N

    A tranny

    A tranny
  5. N

    suck my dick

    suck my dick
  6. N

    what brings you here?

    what brings you here?
  7. N

    Approach for Module C

    Working with the stimulus. As a good student (13/20 on mod c assessment) it is best to just not prepare anything. Just remember quotes for the other moduels too.
  8. N

    thoughts on the crucible ending

    Imagine enjoying the crucible. The only thing I got out of this story was that Arthur Miller likes groping children's dick
  9. N

    any good hsc/trial focused courses or groups in western sydney/cabramatta

    no. there's something that exists - it's a textbook.
  10. N

    Can I jerk you off

    Can I jerk you off
  11. N

    Mod 5 physics

    think you meant to type R=v2sin⁡2θgR = \frac{v^2 \sin 2\theta}{g}R=gv2sin2θ
  12. N

    Mod 5 physics

    how gay are you?
  13. N

    thoughts on the crucible ending

    Arthur Miller looks like a person who touches kids. Pretty much all liberals are like that.
  14. N

    Mod 5 physics

    No. You don't even need to know this formula. If a question requires it they will give it anyway.
  15. N

    2026 HSC CHAT

    NESA should expel transgenders - they are pedos.
  16. N

    2026 HSC CHAT

    leave the children alone pedophile
  17. N

    2026 HSC CHAT

    How can you fucking wake up one day and think as a man "I want to be a woman" or vice versa
  18. N

    2026 HSC CHAT

    Fucking yuck. This dude is a transformer.
  19. N

    tips for trig sub qs in inequalities

    Maybe you should go back and refer to your textbook?