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  1. Misturi

    Secret Window

    I missed it :eek: I can't believe l missed it...had anyone got it on tape?? l'll pay you $20 if you let me watch it once.
  2. Misturi

    Secret Window

    OMG I am so damn angry.. In the nick of time was on last night with Johnny Depp in it. I watched Clueless which was on before it but l was so stupid that l turned it off before it finished so l didn't know what would be on next. I only realised this morning..l am kicking myself :(
  3. Misturi

    annoying ads

    I hate the ads for most of the ones mentioned. I especially hate the ones with barbie. My dad always asks me if l want one for my next birthday...geez they are so lame. I getheaps of wollongong commerials...they are so lame. Especially the Wals pharmacy ads..."Better go to wals"
  4. Misturi


    I am so upset...poor roosters but congrats to deserved it.
  5. Misturi

    Describe the Worste Teachers ever at ur school

    My science teacher when l was in year 9. Mr Bennett...all he did was talk about drugs and how bad they are for you. He was also obsessed about speaking badly about shalvey and how he taught the teen duet group s2s. I got a mark of 41 at the end of the year in science. In year 10, with a...
  6. Misturi

    Bio Assessment

    l'm not sure..but its under the topic Life on Earth My guess is dot point 4..the point on the prac side. In this experiment we have to deisgn a dichotomous key.
  7. Misturi

    House of 1000 Corpses

    My best friend wants to see it, but it doens't surprise me, he's into all scary movies.
  8. Misturi

    Bio Assessment

    I don't really need help with this assessment, but l was wondering if anyone else here had to catch insects, kill them and answer questions about them? Oh this is for prelim.
  9. Misturi

    The Sketch Show

    Nah it was on ABC. lol wtf.
  10. Misturi

    The Sketch Show

    I like Kath and Kim...unfortunately its not on at the moment. But stetch show, skithouse and comedy inc are all favs of mine. Smack the pony is just plain weird at times.
  11. Misturi

    Hilary Duff

    Thats exactly what l heard, about bec and tammin.
  12. Misturi

    easter show

    I like the cars at the end of the night...they are cool..but they need to make up some new tricks.
  13. Misturi

    Secret Window

    I saw OUATIM a few weeks ago...its a sequal apparently so l had no idea what was going on...very boring but l only saw it because it had JD in it. I hope it isn't crap :(
  14. Misturi


    Try fixing it in paint. Open up the file and resize it until in the bottom right hand corner says 100 x 100 or less. Word of caution, the pictures don't look as good when they are made smaller. I prefer to make my own or steal others.
  15. Misturi

    Secret Window

    Love him full stop :)
  16. Misturi


    Be thankful as well that they aren't out for the whole season, like nathan hindmarsh and nathan cayless and adam dykes were :(
  17. Misturi


    I forgot about them not having half of their players slipped my mind. I suppose that l should be more careful of who l pick from now on, as last week l only got one game right (tigers) and that was really bad.. You have to admit though, rabbitohs aren't oging that bad, but its only...
  18. Misturi

    easter show

    The only part l like at the easter show is probably the woodchopping...the guys are so strong :p
  19. Misturi

    Secret Window

    Thanks for not saying what its about..that would ruin it then! They rated it 2 and a half in the daily telegraph yesterday but l think they said that if Johnny wasn't in it, it would be a 1.
  20. Misturi

    Secret Window

    heh, true, true..:D "The only thing that matters is the ending...its the most important part of the story...and this one is very good...this one is perfect" omg l'm so excitied l can't wait!!!