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  1. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    heh heh heh heh heh heh heh *holds belly like santa laughing* *sigh* that was pure gold...
  2. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    heh heh, hey kirst, mannie was hunting your flashing avatar .... of course that was after she scratched my legs so they bled trying to climb the inside of my jeans!!!?????
  3. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    What the heck are you on about?!?!?
  4. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    Ah, the mysterious, strong, masked, silent type ... how could they not tell what eachother looked like without costumes and masks?! I mean, how dumb did they have to be?!?! Then again, Serena was a blonde.. Sharky: What's the "M" word??? *hails new page by throwing confetti* naughty people...
  5. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    :D Thankies all!!! Is Mannie! Is killing... (click for big-ables)
  6. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    argh! argh!!!! *curls into ball at horrific quotation of frontline* heh heh, comletely different note, mannie's hunting the mouse on my screen. tehehehe! she just jumped of the desk and started hunting my hair but couldn't reach it, aww!
  7. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    i got a kitty! *squee!!!* her name's manhattan, mannie for short ;) she's sooo little and cute and stuffs *squee!* and she has these teeny tiny sharp little claws and teeths! she's currently guarding the door against attack from jock (she doesn't like him and he wants to eat her! :o!)
  8. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    first it was men in uniform, now it's men who believe in God *shakes head sadly* moon, you should know that there are pleanty of good men out there who aren't in the army or who are religious!
  9. winicat

    SAM the sinister!

    i maintain that i should have gotten the higher UAI :p infact, the first year's UAI it gave me was the best, so i'll that one thanks :) *holds out hands* and so sorry i said predicted instead of indicated or whatever it is that SAM is meant to do :p hmph! and i didn't assume that stuff! i...
  10. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    woot! new page! *does a dance* ok, and i'm done (for now!)
  11. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    because i know when i consider disregarding grammar i think of picking up at the church picnic too!
  12. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

  13. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    *apluades the birth of the new page* phwar, long labour..
  14. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    hey, duck - to get an av just look for pics 100X100 pixels. this can be found by right clicking an image you like to determine its heightXwidth. they are also known as "icons" which may also aide in your search ;) don't forget you can just re-size stuff in paint, etc. if you find something you...
  15. winicat

    SAM the sinister!

    it is way off! my UAI was 6 under what it predicted!!!
  16. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    awww... the little baby playing witht eh snake was sooooo the cutest thing ever!!! *gigglesnort*
  17. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    gee, huge spree there, duckie...
  18. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    Heh heh heh that is sooooo the best proof! *throws confetti*
  19. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    viva la penguins! *punches fist in air* heh heh heh i found the tape with thtat footage on it and i'm a-going to intergrate it into my video *squee*
  20. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    happy xmas Sharky: you are just far too kind Teeny: you were always a hot little 'azn' ;) Duck-meister: same to you, babes ;) and well done witht he Ipod! :D also - your lack of grammar is co-aligned with the lack of school hence making it coolies that all of our grammar is getting...