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  1. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    *dance dance dance*
  2. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    that, and when we did those mock trials with scmeid-ee and i got kicked off the team cause i was absent on days when we didn't even have class *grumble grumble*
  3. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    molly's sleeping on my bed! she pushed me off and onto the floor so she could spread out. grr... she' so mean :p
  4. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    wanna swap UAIs???
  5. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    boohyah! woot! *hails coming of the new page she has just given birth to* ... ouch :(
  6. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    and just one more post tao make it the dreaded 5 posts in a row ;) love yas all .. just immensly hate you all too!!!
  7. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    o.0? *flares nostrils in curiosity*
  8. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    estimate: drop out UAI: 73.10 (let's just get it over and done with now...)
  9. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    i think he's more of hte goat lovin' type ;) fun but dodgy???? that just sounds weird, kinky and totally suss to me, moons!! ... something you'd enjoy! ;)
  10. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    have i mentioned lately how much i hate you all? *grumble grumble* i hate being dumb in a smart school my parents didn't even think i'd make it to the exams or through them or anything this year! they were all ready fo rme to drop out and start to work (of course, that involved living with...
  11. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    oh! oh! i got 75 for maths!!! *does a victory dance* my best mark EVER for maths!!! :)...:D... mmhmm, yep, uh-huh!!! and i bought one of the OC albums today .. sooooo yumm-er-iffic *huggles it*
  12. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    somehow i don't think kitty did.. my marks were alright, but i ain't no nerd like moonie *shakes fist* or that anna kid, god, were her marks bad or what?! *screams* i'd just like to declare, "mmm... cake" *drools* ug, feel sooo sick though. mum and i shared a bar of chocolate and it's the...
  13. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    hey moon, with your emails, it's called "junk mail filter" ;) *dances around as if standing on hot coals* freaking out here, people, freaking out! on a side note, i am also wearingmy tiara :D
  14. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    *hails the coming of the new page*
  15. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    *hails the coming of the new page*
  16. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    *waves* *is insane*
  17. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    you're getting antsy about five posts? well what the heck wa that post?! heh heh now i'm just posting heaps to be annoying :p i'll be quiet now.. is it my fault julia went offline and i lost my entertainment?!
  18. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    ... and i just wanted the 400th post in this thread :P ... :D
  19. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    don't yell at moonie .. 1) that's my job cause she's so nerdy and 2) it's me that over posts here because i'm not nerdy enough to be of any help anywhere else
  20. winicat

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    just thought i'd drop in and say hi and tell all of you mafia midgets to check your god damned emails!!! ahem, sorry... and moonie! send me your formal photos already! *cries*