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  1. Tim035

    How far.. Is too far?

    Man lay off the German porn its melting your brain....
  2. Tim035

    Who else got good luck emails from Univeristies

    I thought this was preety cool, they were only generic style emails so I'm guessing they were mass sent I got one from both UNSW and Sydney
  3. Tim035

    What To Eat?

    Lol I was going to quote that fact and sound all smart, Do you do pdhpe aswell? Umm don't drink V, diuretic= needing to pee half way through exam. I'm personally mildly alergic to weat but have been eating scrambled eggs on the mornings before exams that works well for me :D
  4. Tim035

    who else has

    Maths is the biggest 'don't use it you lose it' kind of subject, disapears very quickly if you don't do just a bit every day atleast. If your doing 2 unit or general, formula's should be preety easy to recap and then tommorow I would just do AS MANY questions 6 - 10 out of past papers as...
  5. Tim035

    The Stress is Overrated

    Ahhh I see. So its not enough to do 6 - 8 hours a day, I also have to do it whilst ripping my hair out from stress and with asian parents yelling at me otherwise I won't get above 90? I suffer from chronic fatigue, so I knew right from day one I would NEVER be able to do the huge amounts of...
  6. Tim035

    what raw marks you need for band 5/6 (merged)

    Re: what raw marks you need for band 5/6 81% sounds about right for bottom band 6. I swear I remember reading somewhere that in 2004 the band 4/5 cut off was 63% lol. Personally I'm aiming for anywhere within band 5. The thing is with chemistry, even if your dream question comes up in the...
  7. Tim035

    one gene one polypeptide

    Beadle and Tatum produced mutated strains of pink bread mould that lacked the ability to produce one essential nutrient or amino acid caused by the absense of a particular enzyme. They were able to establish which enzyme was lacking in each mutant strain by growing different strains with...
  8. Tim035

    When the HSC is OVER I'm going to....

    1) Finish chemistry at 12:30. Drive to RTA and sit green P's test (this is booked for that day). 2) Get green P's and drive to Chatswood. At Chatswood buy gamecard for WoW then go to internet Cafe and play WoW + CSS with all other friends who will have already finished!! 3) After such a...
  9. Tim035

    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    Question: Describe the components/chemical principle behind atomic absorbtion spectroscopy and justify its usefulness in monitoring pollution.
  10. Tim035

    Biology Marathon 2006

    By model do you mean as in the practical performed such as the different coloured tooth picks? or an example such as the growing number of bacteria resistant to anti biotics sa. Staphlococus Aureus?
  11. Tim035

    What raw mark will get you a band six?

    Re: Band 6 Not true, in order to get a SCALED mark of 90 for pdhpe you would need to get a little over 90 as your raw exam mark, about 92. But for an ALIGNED mark indicating a band 6 performance, I'd estimate more around 82 - 84 / 100 for a raw mark, which in PDHPE is Very hard to do due to...
  12. Tim035

    King Lear Question again - discussion of possible ways to interpret and write on it

    I did 1 and 2 lol. I did an opening paragraph showing the characterisation of Lear over time from the Elizbethan era to brook's approach and then in Sir Richard Eyres approach. I then moved onto my personal interpretation but still brought in other productions in snipets eg. As in Brooks...
  13. Tim035

    Paper 2 Distaster Stories...

    Im guessing in module C you ran out of time to even mention your related texts? because other then that you could still pull a band 4 providing what you talked about in Module A and B was half decent. 10 hours of English in one day! woah thats insane. I'm so much more of a consistancy style...
  14. Tim035

    King Lear

    One of the key components in the rubric above the King Lear question though was still, 'evaluates the text in a range of contexts'. So yeah I still spent two paragraphs demonstrating "the enduring characterisation of King Lear" from the elizbethan era to brooks Nihilistic approach and Eyre's...
  15. Tim035

    General Thoughts: English Adv. Paper 2 (Modules)

    I mainly memorised and I had no problem at all adaptating. Just lost a couple of sentences in my KL essays which was a good thing anyway because otherwise I would not have finished my module C essay.
  16. Tim035

    Physically painful

    The trials and the times I did all three essays at once weren't to bad, but today for some reason I was in so much pain with the constant writing for two hours. I felt like I was doing a handstand for the whole two hours, my wrist, my arm, my neck and back started to hurt so bad. If it was a...
  17. Tim035

    General Thoughts: English Adv. Paper 2 (Modules)

    Soo true, I have even more respect for the things those people in the exemplar responces managed to come up with in 40 minutes. I found myself most of the time just writing like a nutter the first thing that came to my head in order to just keep within that time limit. Anyway my...
  18. Tim035

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts

    King Lear: I read "personal interpretation" went oh sweet good.. then I read "the characterisation of Lear" and it was like OH SWEET MOTHER OF SHIT!!! Still when I mentally recapped my prepared essays I found I was able to pull enough from them to do a critical analyse of Lear's...
  19. Tim035

    When Paper 2 is OVER I'm going to...

    - Place everything to do with english advanced into my garbage bag to be burned and blown up at the end of the HSC. - Take a nap for a couple of hours. - Try to combat the feeling to do nothing because I dont have another exam for 7 days. - Drive to my tutors house and demand past trial...
  20. Tim035

    Predictions for Paper 2

    You know whats interesting. In last years HSC whilst modules B & C invited students to bring in a personal aspect in their responce, they were essentially all essay format. I really like interviews & speeches but booo for journal entries or articles of any kind.