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  1. Trebla

    2023ers send me all your resources

    You do realise that a lot of 2023ers have already uploded stuff in our Notes and Resources section? Also, current HSC students can also upload their resources there as well.
  2. Trebla

    Guys this may sound crazy but what if we all meet together after the HSC

    This looks really bad out of context (PS: look up a South Park episode called "T.M.I")
  3. Trebla

    Guys this may sound crazy but what if we all meet together after the HSC

    Yeah I organised a BBQ last year. Was great to meet a lot of people on person (including jimmy)! We used to do BoS meetups more frequently in pre-covid years. Happy to organise something if enough people are keen to meet up post-HSC.
  4. Trebla

    BoS Trials Maths, Physics and Business Studies 2023

    Boom! Business Studies results and the marking criteria/sample answers are attached below! :) Thank you to everyone who attended to the event and attempted the paper. Congrats to the top student who scored 88 in the paper! Thanks heaps to @jimmysmith560 for helping to write the paper and...
  5. Trebla

    President Mahmoud Abbas - Cringe or based?

    Let me be very clear here. This forum obviously has a lot of unpopular opinions and we have no issues with having diversity of opinions. I could not care less which side of the argument you are on. You all have your own personal biases and this is very obvious when viewed by an outsider (whether...
  6. Trebla

    BoS Trials Maths, Physics and Business Studies 2023

    It depends on whether we (still) have people who are prepared to write and mark them. These events are supported by large volunteer efforts. As long as that is sustained and there is student demand for it then we can keep this going in future years.
  7. Trebla

    BoS Trials Maths, Physics and Business Studies 2023

    💥 Here are the solutions and marks for the 2023 Mathematics Extension 1 BoS trials! Similar to Mathematics Extension 2, please note that the question paper has been updated (which the solutions are aligned to) with some minor adjustments to a few questions (e.g. split into parts, fixed the...
  8. Trebla

    Is anyone else sick of the constant media barrage/changing media narratives built to fulfil unbeknownst agendas?

    I think it is unwise to assume there is such thing as an absolute truth. These should always be seen as a piece of evidence based on what we know today to support a theory. New information may come about that supports another theory and this is simply the scientific process in action (think...
  9. Trebla

    Is anyone else sick of the constant media barrage/changing media narratives built to fulfil unbeknownst agendas?

    Well for starters, you have to consume media/news from somewhere? Or would you prefer to live in a bubble where everyone is sunshine, lollypops and rainbows? Or worse, consume media that is only appealing to your existing beliefs/biases (e.g. from social media) and not something more balanced...
  10. Trebla

    BoS Trials Maths, Physics and Business Studies 2023

    Almost ready to go. Is there any particular question(s), you want an answer for right now?
  11. Trebla

    will sum and products of quartics be in the hsc?

    Definitely. Check the syllabus under Polynomials, there is a dot point that explicitly mentions quartics. As to why it’s not on the formula sheet, who knows… there are a lot important formulas missing in that sheet that should be on there (not to mention some of the ones already on there are...
  12. Trebla

    Maths Extension 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    I think you have a different interpretation of “original” to mine. Like, with your interpretation I could argue the reduction formula Q15a)ii) was “original” because that technique isn’t a standard thing you find in that context and it makes you think. But I doubt many people would call that...
  13. Trebla

    Maths Extension 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    lol look up any question (trial, textbook, internet) related to equilateral triangles and complex numbers and you’ll find similar questions. It’s a pretty well known result. (PS: some version even appeared in past BoS trials). I don’t think we should expect “originality” when it comes to Maths...
  14. Trebla

    Maths Extension 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    When you handle the double angle with a substitution your limits would change from 0 to pi. However, note that integrating a sine function (and subsequently it’s powers) from 0 to pi is the same as twice that from 0 to pi/2 by symmetry (see the graph). You can show this algebraically but that’s...
  15. Trebla

    Urgent - Can you write cis in the hsc

    That’s probably because ‘cis’ is not a standard or commonly used notation in mathematics. It is rarely seen outside the HSC. Everyone else just uses the exponential form (note that “exp( )” is standard notation) or the full mod-arg form. I don’t think I’ve ever seen ‘cis’ used in uni maths.
  16. Trebla

    Urgent - Can you write cis in the hsc

    Tbh, I don’t see the point of using the short-hand ‘cis’ when the exponential form is just as convenient (and technically shorter)
  17. Trebla

    Maths Extension 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    If anyone asks:
  18. Trebla

    What do you guys think of the Western Sydney guys supporting the hamas attack on the israelites and rallying over this?

    Guys please keep the debate about the ideas, not the person. Personal attacks are not acceptable.
  19. Trebla

    BoS Trials Maths, Physics and Business Studies 2023

    ......and here are the results and solutions for the 2023 Mathematics Extension 2 BoS Trials! 🔥 🔥🔥 Please also note that the question paper has been updated (which these solutions are aligned to) with some minor adjustments to a few questions (e.g. edited some wordings and mark allocations)...