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  1. d3vilz

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Re: How can obama be leading in the polls? so you're calling Obama this????
  2. d3vilz

    Rudd Immigration Plan: A Cultural Divide?

    i think Rudd's main priority in the short term (with the global economic crisis) should be: bringing skilled workers (carpenters, construction,etc.) to help build the new infrastructure projects that is needed, and fix the current bottlenecks. bringing more people with professional skills (e.g...
  3. d3vilz

    UAI estimate please, appreciate it

    considering your school is top 20 (and those ranks): 93ish???
  4. d3vilz

    Good to have smart friends?

    yes to an extent. they tend help you - vice versa & sharing of ideas/info. a bit of competition is good cos it motivates you, but i'll do whatever it takes to get the top ranks. i hang around people who aren't that "smart" (most are probably average or slightly below average)
  5. d3vilz

    Major Projects for yr12

    what a lucky cunt. i wish that could happen at my school. there's two (maybe 3?) in my class.
  6. d3vilz

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    any suggestions for my surname: Nguyen?????
  7. d3vilz

    Should we adopt a "One World Currency and One World Financial System?"

    methinks we should have: Euro a currency for Asia/+ Oceania a currency for Africa a currency for North America a currency for South America
  8. d3vilz

    Major Projects for yr12

    History Extension
  9. d3vilz

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    PE - played CS 1.6 with him. yr 11 vs yr 12. Classic quote from MATHS: we were going through some trig qs in the 3u h/y and we 'forgot' to apply ratios to solve the problem and sir said: "...... it's the law of ratios........" (we were like wtf???) "it's a free country you can do what you like"
  10. d3vilz

    Rudd's $10.4bn cash giveaway

    *facepalm* . . . . . . . economists
  11. d3vilz

    Can poverty be eradicated?

    i think we can, but i doubt it will ever happen.
  12. d3vilz

    1 quick q (differentiate)

    thanks shaon0 & bored of sc
  13. d3vilz

    1 quick q (differentiate)

    Differentiate: f(x) = rootx - 1/rootx + 1 how do i get this as an answer 1/rootx(rootx + 1)^2 ???? thanks?
  14. d3vilz

    Study Discussion

    how hours of sleep do you get?
  15. d3vilz

    UAI/HSC: How well does your school go?

    about 8 students a year will get a UAI of 90+ my school is ranked in the early 400s (?) and it will be a semi-selective high school in 2010.
  16. d3vilz

    Study Discussion

    Myself: 75% Tutoring: 5% Teacher: 10% Luck: 10%
  17. d3vilz

    Do you like maths?

    year 7 - i was ranked 2/120 year 8 - i was ranked 8/120 year 9 - Advanced Maths 3/20
  18. d3vilz

    The subject I hate most is ...

  19. d3vilz

    Practical Teachers

    was she lenient on the marking?