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  1. Tim035

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    I Have to agree with Housemouse, although I didn't find the questions themselves all that daunting or difficult I feel as if I just did Okay..... I rememberd all my planned essays quotes techniques etc etc, but at the end of the exam I had this empty feeling as in i know that what I wrote won't...
  2. Tim035

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    By far PDHPE and Chemistry on friday is going to be the worse.. I'm so afraid of my brain just fizzing out half way through the chemistry exam.
  3. Tim035

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    Lol studies of religion was preety good I thought, comming from someone who did 2 hours last night and 2 1/2 hours this morning total preparation for it. I have absolutly no intention of religion counting for UAI, just didn't want like 10/50 band 1 for it. Howz everyone preparing tonight...
  4. Tim035

    Catholic trials 2006. how r they?

    I comprehended young viewers as like around years 7-10 or was it intended for like young, young viewers.. I wrote a story about a guy who loses a gambling bet to a crime boss and ends up having to pay the debt by doing the crimes instructed by him. Don't know how much that will crusify me...
  5. Tim035

    Well I don't think that could have been anymore straight forward

    6 different options for creative writing. what assumptions on journey have ur composers made? I think that should have been preety accessible by anyone who had done their study.
  6. Tim035

    My deepest apologies

    Last time I use my brain to come up with solutions to hints given by teachers. Unfortunatly I've probley made enemies now with my chem teacher and principle sob..
  7. Tim035

    My deepest apologies

    I was approached today in a very stern manner by the principle at my school in regards to a post I had created in these forums in regards to the CSSA 06 chemistry trial exam. Apparently the material I discussed has created a sevre uproar with schools, teachers and the CSSA alike. In order to...
  8. Tim035

    anyone written notes on the devils arithemetic for history and memory

    I watched the movie twice and made notes, I sort of know what I want to say but I'm having trouble now writing it into an essay. Has anyone else got some notes or advice on what to talk about in the film?
  9. Tim035

    Destructive and non destructive testing

    I know basically what non destructive and destructive testing are but I've stumbled across a 5 marker in a paper asking for a detailed example of each to be included. Anyone know a good description of the 2 testing methods and syllabus experiments or procedures which involve them. I think AAS...
  10. Tim035

    what field of biology is artificial blood research

    Title basically says it all, which field of biology would artificial blood research be considered as... I'm thinking molecular biology.
  11. Tim035

    anyone else doing forensics this year

    I know its a rare option so I'm wondering if any other schools out their are doing it this year, I plan on attending the NEAP study course for it later this term and I can just imagine me being the only person in the class. I've also heard from people that its a harder option then many of the...
  12. Tim035

    Transuranic and radioisotope production

    lol for a site I probley look at every day why did it not occur to me to do that duh... Thanks heaps problem solved.
  13. Tim035

    question about biology scaling

    Not true, whilst biology is considered the easier of the three main sciences (biology, chemistry and physics) which often leads to it not being scaled as highly it is still quite capable to receive an excellent mark in if you are dedicated right from the start of the year.
  14. Tim035

    Transuranic and radioisotope production

    Reading back over my summaries on radioisotope and transuranic elements production I'm having a bit of difficultly in understanding the concept, mainly how the two processes differ from one another. The text book I find doesn't offer a great explanation either. Can I please get an explanation...
  15. Tim035

    Diary of Ann Frank for history and memory

    I'm doing the history and memory elective and someone (forget who) suggest the diary of ann frank as a self selected text. Now its taken me two weeks to read the book which is as borring as hell but I've finally finished it. But looking back on it all it really was, was her present thoughts...
  16. Tim035

    How actual productions should be used in the essay

    The funny thing is if you look at the actual syllabus dot points for this module they state how it COULD be realised in POSSIBLE productions.
  17. Tim035

    One scene only in King Lear essay

    How in depth do we need to talk about specific productions? My two interpretations besides my own are pyschological and Redemptive Christian. I refer to three actual productions in a brief manner in comparring or contasting my interpretations with their productions (like a sentece or two for...
  18. Tim035

    One scene only in King Lear essay

    I thought it was just my school but I've noticed numerous school's this year have had their King Lear essay assessment based on analysing just one important scene in King Lear. Has their been a syllabus update or some kind of change which indicates in this years HSC we will only have to analyse...
  19. Tim035

    unusual question to do with water samples

    When water is collected from the field there should be no air bubbles in the sample. Explain why? I can't really think of why air bubbles should not be present besides the fact they'd lead to an over estimate of the volume of the water sample and may some how effect dissolved oxygen...
  20. Tim035

    How actual productions should be used in the essay

    Well I guess thats a bit comforting.... I'm still concerned though because all the standard package band 5/6 responces on the board of studies website go into a fair bit of detail on actual productions. And EVERY production I look at off resources goes into a lot more detail then I do in my...