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  1. Tim035

    Some kidney questions

    1) What other fuction does the glomerulus do besides filtrate? 2) What substances doesn't the glomerulus filtrate? 3) How does the glomerulus contribute to homestatis in humans?
  2. Tim035

    help with hsc question

    Hey I'm doing the HSC specimen paper today and I'm already stumped on the first question.... Describe the features of an effective community health care service. I can't even find the answer for this when i go digging through my text book. Help please anyone.
  3. Tim035

    heat of neutralisation of an acid???

    Hey I'm doing the JR trial paper 2002 today and theres an 8 marker on describing the procedure used to determine the heat of neutralisation of an acid?? The only experiment I can remotely think of that would have to do with this is perhaps removing the CO2 from soft drink or performing a...
  4. Tim035

    lol another question this time about collecting water samples

    When collecting water samples from the field why should their be no air bubles in the sample??
  5. Tim035

    Quick eutrophication question

    At what concentrations are the phosphate and nitrate ions of concern in eutrophication?
  6. Tim035

    Study during Holidays

    Re: So its the holidays before trials... I've got 12 chemistry trial papers, 12 biology trial papers, 10 pdhpe trial papers and unlimited amounts of maths trial papers I plan to get done in the holidays and also write out each of my english essays and story to atleast 4 different questions. I'm...
  7. Tim035

    I just cannnn't write fast enough

    Yewww Just scraped in 7 pages on my King Lear in class assessment essay, I've been writing out my esays but didn't feel personally my writing was getting any faster.. Obviously is though so I'm stoked:D
  8. Tim035

    Research assignment

    EDIT: Just realised The guide to water management and monitoring at the top of this forum answers most of my questions .. Hey, I'm in no way asking for direct answers to these questions that are part of my research assingment but any info, websites etc etc would be awesome and save me a lot...
  9. Tim035

    Practical examination

    Here are my summary notes: PLANT DISEASES Major cause- Fungi Also however infected by bacteria, viruses & Protazoans. Insect pests are a major cause of plant disease, they can eat leaves, suck the sap from the plant or suck nutrients and water from the roots of the plant. Symptons: Blight-...
  10. Tim035

    Studying for processing skills test!?!?

    Hey on thursday I've got a biology proccessing skill assessment thats worth 20% and apparently theirs no way to really study for it because its all about interpreting information from data, drawing graphs etc etc... The one thing he did mention was their will be one question that has to do with...
  11. Tim035

    How actual productions should be used in the essay

    I've seen a lot of essays under the resources section of this site devoting up to a whole A4 typed page in explaining how a spefific production eg Peter Brooks present King Lear and the speific themes/values raised in that Spefific Production. The way our class was taught King Lear however...
  12. Tim035

    Good or bad idea for PDHPE study..

    Because PDHPE is 80% extented responces that take a decent amount of time to work through, would it be advisable to study for pdhpe by going through past HSC and Trial Papers etc answering the questions by just outlining in key points? Also what are some other effective techniques for pdhpe...
  13. Tim035

    I just cannnn't write fast enough

    Yeah hopefully once I really have my essays lodged well in my brain, I'll become more succicent and aware of what I need to talk about within the 40 minute time frame. Practice, practice, practice I shall...
  14. Tim035

    I just cannnn't write fast enough

    Is anyone else finding their in the same boat... I'm left handed and have naturally preety messy handwriting, I've recently started writing out english essays for the trials under exam conditions and it just sux I really really can't write more then 4 1/2 - 5 pages in 40 mins even when i really...
  15. Tim035

    voice recording

    Yeah realistically I'd consider voice recording at best good for english essays.. but as for syllabus summaries etc etc its just going to take way to long to listen to them. When it comes down to it the only thing that really works for me is doing paper after paper after paper.
  16. Tim035

    voice recording

    I use a program called 'pocket voice recorder' with a microphone, really easy and saves straight as wav files that you can put in itunes. Only downfall is its max 10 minutes per recording, so some of my summaries are in like 2 - 3 segments.
  17. Tim035

    King Lear Help!!!

    This is also either the 2001 or 2002 HSC King Lear question, so it'd definatly be worth going onto board of studies and looking at the marking guidelines and markers comments for the question.
  18. Tim035

    Critical help with essay question

    Well basically I've never found composing essays for english Overly challenging, but King Lear is really pushing my patience. I attempted to compose a responce and submitted it as a draft to my teacher and got it handed back with crosses and shit everywhere on it, and her only advice was I need...
  19. Tim035

    creative responce vs responce based on set text

    What do you think our odds are this year of either being fortunate enough to write a creative piece or having to write a piece based off one of our prescribed texts?
  20. Tim035

    Question about Nahum Tate

    I've almost wrapped up my KL essay with one of my productions being Nahum Tate. However one of the scenes I emphasised (probley the most) on was the storm in ActIII sceneIV. Tate removed the subplot of Gloucester,edgar,edmond and the character the fool didn't he? If so I've got a terrible...