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  1. MrInoeverthin

    Ahhh man, that sucks! Hope you get better soon, so you can get back to study. I basically go to...

    Ahhh man, that sucks! Hope you get better soon, so you can get back to study. I basically go to uni and work on me assignments, hang out, sleep in the library, or just study. Right now uni > home :lol:
  2. MrInoeverthin

    Survey for Mental Health

    Done mate, good luck with your assignment
  3. MrInoeverthin

    programming languages?

    Not sure of past programming languages used other than java, they probably have used different ones in the past? Oh, well my mate's doing something that's got to do with programming, don't know the course name, but he's using c++
  4. MrInoeverthin

    programming languages?

    Yea, I started out with Python. Really easy to use and learn in comparison to other languages - plus there's heaps of guides and tutorials online! For some reason, my friend's programming unit at unsw is using c++, whereas in UWS im using Java. Really weird
  5. MrInoeverthin

    programming languages?

    I don't do Comp sci, but I am doing a programming unit this sem. I suggest you learn both (if you can) c++ and Java. Just get familiar with those languages, because a bit of background knowledge can help
  6. MrInoeverthin

    And how are you?

    And how are you?
  7. MrInoeverthin

    Snapchat ;)

    NOOOOO! I will be mentally disturbed for the rest of my days Sent from my UWS iPad using Tapatalk[emoji6]
  8. MrInoeverthin

    Snapchat ;)

    Oooo yas!
  9. MrInoeverthin

    Sy123's BOS Minecraft Server

    I've just been really busy lately. When the holidays hit, I'll be on heaps! As of now, my time is occupied :(
  10. MrInoeverthin

    Who's the highest authority here?

    I reckon either AbsoluteZero, or Carrotsticks. They're my preferences.
  11. MrInoeverthin

    Awwww, you're so nice Speedy! Best buddies 5ever

    Awwww, you're so nice Speedy! Best buddies 5ever
  12. MrInoeverthin

    LoL thread

    Hey guys, how does ranked teams work? Is it similar to solo queue, but just with the entire team? Considering joining a team that's why
  13. MrInoeverthin

    LoL thread

    Damn :( True man, I just need to keep playing and shut up and suck up losses and don't blame anyone for them haha.
  14. MrInoeverthin

    LoL thread

    Maybe you're right. (I did brag a bit). I am bronze material :( but honestly, people say that it takes times to get out of bronze, but I disagree, I climbed to bronze 3, then back to bronze 5 again. The thing is, I don't do that bad, its just that the enemy team is better, or our team has an...
  15. MrInoeverthin

    LoL thread

    Referring to Bronze aren't you? Lol! yea well, I always play assassin champs, and I carry hard, but it's impossible to carry a team full of uncarryble (new word ;)) people. Tbh, not to brag, but I deserve at least silver. Most of the time I get placed with trash teams. If someone feeds...
  16. MrInoeverthin

    LoL thread

    Yup, I have another account. Guessing its time to put my hopes into that one. thanks for the offer, but it's cool lel
  17. MrInoeverthin

    LoL thread

    Oh god, demoted back to Bronze 5. How the eff am I gonna get out of low elo?
  18. MrInoeverthin

    Someone stole my P-plate!

    They only cost a dollar at your local news agency... So I don't see why this is a problem. Unless it's been consistent, then someone has a p-plate fetish.
  19. MrInoeverthin

    My jaw locked

    Got the same problem, however it isn't very major (I think I noticed it about 4 months ago). My jaw clicks only if I move it suddenly, chewing and everything else is fine. But god, when it clicks out of place, it feels like my jaw is broken, for a spilt second, then it jumps back into place...
  20. MrInoeverthin

    Official HSC 2015 Examination Dates

    Gg, last year they were a day apart (IPT on Thursday, then Friday was engineering!). Dw, study for engineering, that's an intense 3 hours mate, and if you're under prepared, you might as well just right your name and leave the examination room. You'll do fine in IPT, trust me, I know you...