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  1. Trebla

    Solutions to Mathematics Extension 1 HSC

    So I thought I would have a go at doing solutions to the full Maths Ext1 HSC paper, particularly in LaTeX. Turned out to be way more time consuming than expected doing it with LaTeX....(also ceebs with graphs/diagrams). Disclaimer: These answers may contain errors, so feel free to point any...
  2. Trebla

    2021 Love thread

    If you want to do your own thing, then you can liaise with each other in private. However, please do not post external links to other forums here.
  3. Trebla

    2021 Love thread

    Guys, with all due respect we would appreciate it if you didn't deliberately try to direct traffic away from this site.
  4. Trebla

    atar explanation please

    That is because of the way linear interpolation works. As a simple illustrative example, say the band 6 cut off was 80/100, then - A raw mark of 80.0 aligns to 90.0 - A raw mark of 81.0 aligns to 90.5 - A raw mark of 82.0 aligns to 91.0 . . . - A raw mark of 99.0 aligns to 99.5 - A raw mark of...
  5. Trebla

    atar explanation please

    I also strongly encourage people to look at the flowchart in this thread to get a basic understanding of the process
  6. Trebla

    atar explanation please

    They're marks out of 100. If the exam itself is not out of 100 (e.g. out of 70) then you can get marks with decimal places.
  7. Trebla

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    Almost...except you forgot the binomial coefficients. Also, generally speaking, proving something is positive to prove it is non-zero doesn’t always work (it works in this case though). You can have expressions that can be positive or negative but is non-zero.
  8. Trebla

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    How many ways can a 5 mark perms and combs question be arranged in the paper?
  9. Trebla

    Sample proportion questions ?

    Those thresholds are a “guide”, not a hard and fast rule. Very unlikely you will get questions that are right on the margins of that threshold. Most of the time it will be pretty obvious whether a normal approximation is required or not. At the end of the day, the approximation exists to...
  10. Trebla

    Do We Need to Know Pearson's correlation formula?

    Unlikely but not impossible for Ext1. It is in the Advanced syllabus. It would need to be merged with another Ext1 topic somehow to appear as a question.
  11. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2021

    I was marking Q13 and found a recurring theme in part (a), that I should probably highlight here. The question was effectively asking to identify the sign of the rate of change of OP, as its length evolved over time travelling along the curve. All students who attempted this question ended up...
  12. Trebla

    BoS trials Maths and Chemistry 2021

    💥 Here are the solutions and student results for the 2021 Mathematics Extension 1 BoS trials. Thanks to CM_Tutor, 1039213 and Paradoxica for helping with solutions and marking! Once, again a reminder that whilst the questions are made to be as closely styled to the HSC exams as possible, this...
  13. Trebla

    COmplex Region

    It's actually |xy|\geq 4 so you'll need so consider the different cases for x and y.
  14. Trebla

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Original post has link to older papers. This year’s papers can be found in subsequent posts.
  15. Trebla

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    BoS trials...if you want something guaranteed to be more difficult than the HSC exam 🤷‍♂️
  16. Trebla

    Cutoffs and how the cohort goes

    HSC marks are based on fixed standards. ATAR is based on relative performance in that year. If theoretically this year’s entire cohort was significantly weaker than last year’s then the HSC marks would be lower but ATAR distribution largely similar.
  17. Trebla

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    For completeness you should ideally also justify that the two points are on the projectile itself (i.e. not on the part of the parabolic equation where y < 0)
  18. Trebla

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    Well for starters it can’t be right as that is beyond the range for a sine function. The errors seems to be where you squared the constant term in your discriminant...
  19. Trebla

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    Maybe show your working?
  20. Trebla

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Very unlikely but not impossible. They would have to somehow synthesise it with a topic that is exclusively in the Ext1 syllabus (with a focus on the Ext1 topic though).