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  1. Cape

    Tutorial Registration opening times

    Times are up on pweb. Here they are: Enjoy :D
  2. Cape

    Long Holidays

    Just believe what you want to believe :)
  3. Cape

    Uni Excursions

    We got to go to on a camp at Minnamurra Rainforest in first year as part of a subjects work. For a geology elective that I picked we also got to go to on an excursion to Kiama and Bathurst. Another subject (which I didn't do), there was a camp for 3 days down at Kiama.
  4. Cape

    Does UWS have a main campus?

    Singapore isn't high on my visitation list. Maybe its cause I'm not Asian :p
  5. Cape

    Long Holidays

    Not funny :apig: damn, they don't have a cow. Half of them don't work for me either :(
  6. Cape

    Does UWS have a main campus?

    Too late for me to do an exchange anyway. Stupid god damn whole year research project :chainsaw: On a brighter note, only about 26 learning weeks and I'm out of UWS! Yay! :D
  7. Cape

    Eye-testing and driving

    A strange question I know, but I was wondering how often you should get your eyes tested once you get your L's. I have crappy eyesight, and I'm convinced that its got worse since I got my L's, but I only need to wear my glasses when driving. My parents told me to get my eyes checked every 2...
  8. Cape

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    Thats so true. I'm on my L's and who ever is in the car with me watches the speedometer like a hawk. The second I go over the speed limit, its SLOW DOWN! Saying that, the fastest I've gone is about 110 - 120km on Kissing Point Road. Not that fast to compared others though.
  9. Cape

    Long Holidays

    :( The heat doesn't make it any easier. Its too hot to sleep at night, too hot to do anything during the day. I even went to macquarie and bought $100 of books today. And I haven't picked up a novel since year 12. Thats how bored I am :p
  10. Cape

    How do we enrol

    No. Accepting the offer just means you click a button in the UAC site, which lets the uni know that you want to do that course. They will send information out to you a few days after that. Enrol means that you usually physically go to the uni and fill in a billion forms - usually like HECS...
  11. Cape

    The F1 Thread

    Bahaha, as if Nando works out. All he does is press a button at the start of a race and viola, renaults launch control system put him in the lead and his quiet sunday drive begins. No, theres not. One day, I'm going to photoshop fatso (montoya) into a cheeseburger :p No, its just I've seen...
  12. Cape

    Long Holidays

    You know, that would probably be a good idea :p I've done 104 hours so far - and that was all before christmas. 40 hours bush regen and 64 hours at the zoo. When uni starts back, I'm going to do one day a week at the manly environment centre. So, that will do a few hours. *Awaits other...
  13. Cape


    I don't think we have an O week like other unis do. Instead, theres a day and a time, where you go to your home campus, and split into your related courses and you get the guided tour of where everything is. But there should be more info on the website later. Although, if you live on...
  14. Cape

    Long Holidays

    Is it just me, or are these holidays feel longer than what they usually do? I want to go back to uni :( Cant believe I said that, but atleast uni keeps me occupied and out of sleeping 12 - 14 hours a day. Its so bad, that I already know what I'm going to do next year.
  15. Cape

    Does UWS have a main campus?

    nah uh, its the singapore campus thats the main campus.
  16. Cape

    The F1 Thread

    Bahahahahahaha!!! That actually made me laugh really loud, and my family came in to see what I was laughing about. Please post more of your humour, its making me laugh, I'm missing my motorsport really badly. I was watching sports tonight last night and at the end they had f1 crashes, I...
  17. Cape

    The F1 Thread

    Love it! Thats brillant Argo!!! You'd be more safe standing in the fast lane of the pit lane than being anywhere near Sato's pit box. Ashame about the other 21 cars that are out on the track.
  18. Cape

    The F1 Thread

    Thanks OJ - I love you to :) hmm ... the FIA are allowing Super Aguri to race this season, when they pay $48 million. They will pay the bond by early next week. Great that means Satos back :rolleyes: SA106 will be their car :p sounds sucky.
  19. Cape

    The F1 Thread

    Ofcourse their car is going to be shit. They are using a chassis from 3 years ago, as well as honda engines and michelin tyres. I need say more. No more minardi, remember, stoddart has pissed off for good (no wonder why f1 world is so quiet this off season :p). Squardo Torro Roso =...
  20. Cape

    The F1 Thread

    Oh, flipping hell. Not an all Jap team :mad: If the team is anything like Satos driving, they won't even make the start line cause they can't find the spare $48 million US for the enterance fee cause Sato wasted all that money in pre-season testing crashing cars. The design of the car will...