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  1. C

    Physics formulas in projectile motion

    In MX1 'a' or 'g' is constant anyway, otherwise we'd be dealing with elliptical trajectories.
  2. C

    Binomial Probability

    Actually, I'd say he's one of the best in the state. He's really good. He takes marks off for stuff like not putting 'where n is any integer' for general solutions... or if you have something like (cosx - 4)(cosx - 1) = 0, if you don't state that cosx=4 has no real solution as -1<=cosx<=1, or...
  3. C


    As a part of strategic planning to reduce road accidents, police are using three different, independent methods to detect speeding motorists on a freeway. The probability that a speeding motorist will be detected by a highway patrol officer is 1/3, by a fixed camera is 3/4, and by a mobile...
  4. C

    Binomial Probability

    Yeah... My teacher said that you must use the greatest coefficient method to get the maximum marks... So yeah :(
  5. C

    Binomial Probability

    How did you get to that?
  6. C

    Binomial Probability

    A man has a 3/4 chance of hitting a target. Find the most likely number of hits of a target out of 100 shots. Thanks.
  7. C

    Coaching rates?

    Not if they have alot of experience and are very good.
  8. C

    Which external paper is this?

    Umm, haven't all the school finished their trials by now? But if you get it back, that means the security period is over doesn't it?
  9. C

    Coaching rates?

    Well I think my teacher that charges $120 per 1.5 hours is quite good for 1 on 1 tutoring. Let me know if you want his details for tutoring for 2U, 3U or 4U maths.
  10. C

    Which external paper is this?

    And plus, if I had the answers why on Earth would I seek the paper? You say you do 4U maths, but really there's no good doing it if you're going to get in the bottom 1% of the state LOL :rofl:
  11. C

    My school's trial examination [download here]

    Also another note. In the HSC you get 2 lines per mark. Not the 14 or so lines for a 2 mark question!
  12. C

    Which external paper is this?

    Oh BTW, just to make you look ridiculous here is the front page of my school's Ext 2 trial paper for this year. Notice the date of it.
  13. C

    Which external paper is this?

    And you claim to know which school I go to? So it is true that you have no clue as to which school I go to, and as a result haven't called anyone. GG. I have just these words for you: Classical Novice.
  14. C

    Which external paper is this?

    Yes you are a troll. And you don't know which school I go to, let alone my name. Perhaps you're just jealous that I got 100% and 98% in my 3U and 4U trials respectively? :sun: EDIT: And if you rang up my school after 5:30PM (time of your post) you wouldn't have gotten through... so GG ;)...
  15. C

    Science papers are to short

    Yes they are too short. I only found that out for my trials :( I mean come on, compared to 3U, I think Science papers (although I can only speak for Chem and Physics) are way too short.
  16. C

    The best maths book for 2unit+3unit [poll]

    NOVICE!!! YUUU BAKER!!! ... BTW, most of his notes are based from Coroneos.
  17. C

    Finding the greatest coefficient...

    Yuuuu BAKER!!! NOVICE!!!!!!
  18. C

    Stupid Question

    I recall seeing this... Is it from the 2001 HSC? (CBF looking it up now)
  19. C

    Resisted motion

    Sorry about that.. Typo :( Edited original thread...
  20. C

    Resisted motion

    A particle is moving vertically downward in a medium which exerts a resistance to the motion which is proportional to the speed of the particle. The particle is released from rest at O, and at time t its position is at a distance x below O and its speed is v. If the terminal velocity is V, show...