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  1. MrInoeverthin

    exam tmrw too late?

    Astro, you got this man! Just bloody read over some of the main points of the topic, and you should be fine. I don't know how business works though, with studying, so gl and hf!
  2. MrInoeverthin

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    99.95, just study 2 weeks before. Trust me I'm a 2k14er :)
  3. MrInoeverthin

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Study 2 weeks b4 hsc. Play Dota now.
  4. MrInoeverthin

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    Might as well try it out.
  5. MrInoeverthin

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    I haven't played league at all yet. Everyone speaks of it highly though. Might get it :O
  6. MrInoeverthin

    Clash of Clans!

    Lel, keep trying. Town hall 10, lvl 122.
  7. MrInoeverthin

    When are HSC state ranks released?

    Hmmm, you seem so eager to know. Probs sr'd all your subs
  8. MrInoeverthin

    Electronic Dance Music

    Love this one. Don't know what it is even classified as
  9. MrInoeverthin

    HSC, finding motivation to study and all of that

    Just work hard and try your best. I began studying two months before my exams. So start now and be organised, and you'll smash it, trust me.
  10. MrInoeverthin

    i need a atar of 70 for UWS. will they still let me in if i miss it by .....

    Dw OP, they'll let you in. I'll be getting a mystery mark, and they'll still let me in, so gg. uws is the way!
  11. MrInoeverthin


    There is a document attached to the pre-offer advice email. Just follow the 3 steps for your application to be eligible, before the deadline that is (4th of December iirc) Then pray you get the offer...
  12. MrInoeverthin

    HSC, finding motivation to study and all of that

    Lol, let your cohort carry you to 99.95 atar. Don't worry, you'll make it to uni, whether indirectly, or directly :)
  13. MrInoeverthin

    Increased Inbox Storage

    I wonder why you need extra inbox storage space. *Ahem*
  14. MrInoeverthin

    what is your cup size?

    I want milk...
  15. MrInoeverthin

    UAC- "Eligible- Subject to being competitive"

    Good question. I always wondered what it meant as well. Anyone could help? (anyone smart enuf hehe, hehehe)
  16. MrInoeverthin

    ATAR estimate please

    You do that. I'm just smh-ing.
  17. MrInoeverthin

    Critique my physique

    Ok ok. Do you work on your serratus anterio, or most commonly known as 'wings'? You should work on that.
  18. MrInoeverthin

    year 12 formal worth going to??????

    OP, I had plans to not go to the formal, and do other things that night. However, I was basically persuaded to go, and so I did. It turned out to be one heck of a night. P.s. You should go since you only do it once, while Gold Coast can wait. Enjoy yourself and have fun! :)