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  1. Survivor39

    The Amazing Race

    i found it funny when brandon said "i mean i can shave my head and my hair will grow back, but i can't let them shave nicole's beautiful hair" wtf!?? as if her hair can't grow back or something? lol
  2. Survivor39

    How will Casey do in WORLD Idol

    but it wouldn't make sense. if anthony can't be australian idol, how does it make sense to crown him world idol...
  3. Survivor39

    How will Casey do in WORLD Idol

    *imagining anthony singing the prayer at world idol*
  4. Survivor39

    How will Casey do in WORLD Idol

    Yes it's this time of the year. it just one month's time. World Idol (hopefully) will be on. What do you think of her chances? I hope she does better than Guy...
  5. Survivor39

    The Amazing Race

    Colin and Christy? hmm. I think brandon and nicole will get eliminated next week. Since they have NO MONEY at all in INDIA - a poooor country - no one will give them any money.
  6. Survivor39

    Yep, It's another pip question

    Hi Danni07, You are right in that this topic has been way overdone. However, like you said, if you look at this topic on a new light, you can make it interesting. I don't recommand you to look at your topic "What are the major factors contributing to the development of an Eating Disorders?"...
  7. Survivor39

    The Apprentice 2

    I blame Andy as well, for not listening to Ivana's idea of aiming for Jen in the Boardroom. He would had a better chance against her than that scary, loud, and bitchy sandy.
  8. Survivor39

    The Apprentice 2

    hmmm...and suddenly she become such a complete bitch in the boardroom. *shocked*
  9. Survivor39

    The Apprentice 2

    I was full on laughing at their presentation. They were so funny...the way jane (i think) kept stuffing up and the expressing of the people's face. And their shit concept of the globe. ROFL.
  10. Survivor39

    The Amazing Race

    I did it. :) I had to. I'm a huge fan as well.
  11. Survivor39

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    do you get a rank as well for computing subjects, if i remembered correctly from S1? you probably came first in higher comp! well done
  12. Survivor39

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    *shrugs* now it's High Distinction. well done. what's next? 95. lol
  13. Survivor39

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    wow! well done McLake. Started the thread with a Distinction! I think I saw you walking pass one day but I wasn't sure if that was you. And too chicken to ask. hahaha.. *sighs*
  14. Survivor39

    Understanding Social and Cultural Research Methodology

    I have added this new section because I realised how important methodology is in Society & Culture, both in the PIP component and the exam component. You could use the following to help you with your preparation of your exams as the methodologies listed here included both advantages and...
  15. Survivor39

    Methodologies info for PIPs

    The application of Personal reflection should come naturally in your PIP. Anything that you recall, memories or values, is part of personal reflection. The way to use this methodology effective is not only to recall specific events, but to evaluate them. Don't overly rely on this methodology...
  16. Survivor39

    Exam Bitching

    Possibly. hahaha. Check now, you might get a pleasant/unpleasant suprise. But I'm not promising anything. But you will get your results earlier coz the maths people put the results up on the maths web portal.
  17. Survivor39

    hi..pip help :)

    This PIP topic has been done many, many times. I'm sure someone on this foum can help you out. From my experience as a Mod, I've seen like at least 10 (no kidding) topic about the female image.
  18. Survivor39

    Exam Bitching

    Maths results come out one week ealier than the release day I think For those who does Chemistry, the results are already on the computer in the chemistry computer Lab, as well as the answers to exam questions.
  19. Survivor39

    Australia's Brainiest Kid

    I think they did their intitial testing at UNSW!!! I saw the chairs in Mathew's theatre, the pavilion and clancy auditorium!
  20. Survivor39

    pip topic regarding a dying culture!

    I like to advice you that don't start collecting information UNTIL you have a clear, defined foucus question, i.e. what exactly you like to find out. If you shift your focus question a little during the PIP-making process, all of your effort will be wasted. Ask your teacher about the...