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  1. Survivor39

    science degree

    yes bascially. If you do B Science (Food science) then it's like doing microbiology in med science, it is more structured. If you do B Science only, and major in food science, then you pick the food science subjects yourself.
  2. Survivor39

    Science (adv) and Medical science

    I agree with sunny. You can't JUST transfer to Medicine from other science degree. you need like HD average and a high UMAT score plus interview.... Bascially it's like as hard as getting 99+ UAI...
  3. Survivor39

    Exam Bitching

    nancy, genetics is waaaay better than S2 Bio.... seriously. i wish i chose genetics S2 bio is 100 times more boring than s1 bio. and i think i failed....
  4. Survivor39

    Survivor 9 - Vanuatu

    but in the apprentice, you can't vote people out so even if there is a gender division, it doesn't really matter. On survivor, it's getting one sided. lol I just hope i'll get some drama at the end when the men have to ask or comment on the final two for the million dollar
  5. Survivor39

    anyone like optometry or are doing the course??

    At least D (80) average and probably 95 UAI. Coz they only accept no more than 5 for transfer I think, since B Opt only has about 45 to 50 people each year.
  6. Survivor39

    change preferences

    After your UAI has been released. I think you can still change your preference after 1 week or something...
  7. Survivor39

    At unsw b science, you are not required to do maths at all. But you won't be able to major in the area where maths is required. for example physics, oceanography..
  8. Survivor39

    Cont + Change

    I'll sticky your notes up if you post it on here :)
  9. Survivor39

    Summer Course GenED

    i know. i couldn't find it, but it's on the Biological sciences website too. could it be they cancled it recently and forgot to change the detail on the BEES site??
  10. Survivor39

    Summer Course GenED

    sunny, is this gen ed XA?? GENS7601 - Earth - The Dynamic Planet Session X1 (14 - 17 December 2004)
  11. Survivor39

    anyone like optometry or are doing the course??

    Yep, UNSW is the only university in NSW that offers Optometry, hence the UAI. You will be introduce to some clinical optometry, the eye and infectious diseases associated with optometric practice during the first year.
  12. Survivor39

    Exam Bitching

    I think I did bad too. Can't even do some of them...left them blank.... and what's with the MC, aren't they meant to be esay! ARGH! I'll probably get between 40 to 60 in the exam. >.<
  13. Survivor39

    science degree

    ok let me explain this clearly. B Science 1st year 8 subjects worth 6 units of credit (think of this as the units in the HSC) This is because science covers such a diverse area of study that it is impossible to give you the detail of what subjects you do. Most people pick 2 Biology, 2...
  14. Survivor39

    Science (adv) and Medical science

    Basically if you know that you want to study biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, physicology, anatomy and pharmacology, then choose B Med sc. It provide a structured pathway to guide you to what subjects you need to do to major in those areas. Another advantage...
  15. Survivor39


    There is one more. I for gotgot the name but it's a green textbook, with black and white photos on the cover. The excel book also has 2 versions, the new Fleming one and the old excel, which i think it is more useful.
  16. Survivor39

    B Med Science, is it a complete risk ??

    yeah, thanks for that.... hi garry007 Bascially, doing a Medical science degree will NOT make it easier to get into Graduate medicine. You are better off doing a more flexible degree, like B Science, in which you get more subject selections. It is the marks you get from those subjects...
  17. Survivor39

    Science (adv) and Medical science

    Tennille is right. If you still don't know what field of science you want to do, do Advanced Science. It gives you greater flexibility during the first year of your study. I didn't choose Advanced Science because i wanted the option of whether to do an honour or not. remember, In Adv science...
  18. Survivor39

    the best PIP's

    hmmm. It is not possible to get more than a scaled mark of 100. If the raw mark is 100, then it will be scaled to 100. So you can't get more than 100 contributed from 2 units (the maximum aggregate scaled mark is 500). And about the formulae thing, your teacher is probably an experienced...
  19. Survivor39

    the best PIP's

    The HSC Honour Roll will be realease the day or the day after you get your HSC results. They include: 1st place in a course Top achievers in a course (Ranked top 5, 10 or 20 depends on the number of candidates) Distinguish Achivers (Band 6)
  20. Survivor39

    First Post

    Yay I'm back! I'm glad most people here found the exam easy. I haven't looked at the paper yet, as this is my first post after my annoying internet went dead for 2 weeks... I miss you guys!