Search results

  1. N

    Decent bags for uni/school

    Hi, From the two bags below, which one would you buy (in terms of aesthetics and quality) or neither? They are both $50.00 The first one is from Caribee (the red bag) OR The second from Wenger...
  2. N

    Dapto High School ....

    Thanks for the link The papers look easier than the HSC but meh...
  3. N

    cheap mobile plan (live connected)

    ask on whirlpool, you should get more responses. Edit: Someones already mentioned it.
  4. N

    Transformations of German social & cultural life

    That was the aim, however how successful was it in indoctrinating youth and transforming society?
  5. N

    Transformations of German social & cultural life

    In your opinion, would you say that the HJ was completly, partially or not all successful in transforming German society. For me, I think it would be partially (sitting on the fence much?) as the by 1939 they had recruited 90% of all boys in the HJ and its subgroups. However, personal recounts...
  6. N

    Transformations of German social & cultural life

    Thanks for the help. rep+ I have do an oral for 3 mins on how they transformed social and cultural life. I still feel that I haven't done enough or missed something crucial.
  7. N

    Transformations of German social & cultural life

    Hi, For the dotpoint "The transformation of German social and cultural life under Nazism" what would I say for Hitler youth. I know that the Hitler youth was a way to indoctrinate Nazi values etc. However, how did it transform society and culture (I know it changed it to a totalitarian state)...
  8. N

    Wealthy dominate Selective Schools

    About half of all selective schools (in NSW anyway) require for student's to sit a selective test which has no relation to the NSW syllabus. It is essentially an IQ/ problem solving test. Socio-economic status does play a role but still there isn't any excuses. It's more attitude than anything...
  9. N

    I Hate University

    Lol that's what I said in year 6, year 11 and now in year 12. Most likely, I'll be saying the same thing as you in one or two years.
  10. N

    Labor Leadership Spill 2012

    So is that it for Rudd's political career?
  11. N

    Political Compass - Find out what you really are...

    About 7 people were libertarian, which is a significant proportion of all the people that voted. I'd learn to count from 1-10 again. lol jokes....
  12. N

    Worked Solution

    Thanks! I forgot about that website.
  13. N

    Worked Solution

    Hi, Does anyone know where I can get the full worked solution to past hsc mathematics and extension one mathematics? I have found 2006-2011 from Terry Lee for extension 1. Does anyone know where I can get the rest? I searched on google, however all the links to the downloads are not working...
  14. N

    Political Compass - Find out what you really are... I took another test....
  15. N

    Labor Leadership Spill 2012

    Re: Kevin Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister Of all the people, Swan!? I thought they were like best friends (in politics anyway).
  16. N

    Labor Leadership Spill 2012

    Re: Kevin Rudd Resigns as Foreign Minister Rudd is smart enough to know that he does not have the support of the caucus, even though most voters would hands down prefer Rudd over Gillard.
  17. N

    MAth exam

    Lol you have 1,001 posts....
  18. N

    MAth exam

    That will never happen. I tried to do it so many times, only works when there is an important exam. Just study late into the night. The sleepiness goes away. Lol that;s what I;m doing today since I have a 2U math test today. u
  19. N

    MAth exam

    If you haven't studied a bit, then an all nighter/cramming works.