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  1. JohnMaximus

    Direction in life ??!

    Go talk to your parents or some chit not some fukkin uppity kids on the internet
  2. JohnMaximus

    Ambassador John Berry's Welcome Video to Australia

    One night with Natalie Portman and I could solve this problem. I'd give you 2 billion new jews.
  3. JohnMaximus

    Apple Watch / iPhone 6

    Saw some poor peasant using a non-Iphone phone today and it just broke my heart how much poverty there is in this world I told my butler and maid all about it when I got home, and said if they were ever considered buying a samsung or some other pleb phone they should come to me and I will loan...
  4. JohnMaximus

    How do my subjects scale? :)
  5. JohnMaximus

    Ambassador John Berry's Welcome Video to Australia

    Wtf? They sent a homo Ambassador to Australia? Other countries don't have a homo Ambassador. thanks obama
  6. JohnMaximus

    ATAR Estimate:

    ahahaha holy chit .5+
  7. JohnMaximus

    Muslim beheads woman in in Oklahoma

    srsly tho how come shias get lumped in with IS
  8. JohnMaximus

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    When I die, I want my body to be buried on Mount Olympus. Excluding my dick, which is to be buried in a slut like this.
  9. JohnMaximus

    Muslim beheads woman in in Oklahoma

    what about Shias from now on I'm just gonna assume when people say Muslims they are talking about Sunnis
  10. JohnMaximus

    friends after hs

    Drifting apart since 1995
  11. JohnMaximus

    TMAT! The Martial Arts Thread

    There is a mountainous region south of my home in which I seclude myself for weeks at a time, with no food or clothes or material things. My body is sustained by the water of the sky and the moss of the earth and my mind is sustained by the songs of the universe. The highest mountain is a...
  12. JohnMaximus

    Direction in life ??!

    The dream is always the same. Instead of going home, I go to the neighbors'. I ring, but nobody answers. The door is open, so I go inside. I look around, but no one seems to be there...
  13. JohnMaximus

    Direction in life ??!

    I built a circle of stones in the woods behind my house. When I'm scared or lost or don't know what to do I sit in the circle and imagine I am safe.