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  1. L

    Standard English or Advanced English?

    At my school people are kind of considered less intelligent (unless they are going to do 4u maths or whatever) but its totally illogical since the only module that differs is Shakespeare, so I'd go with advance if i were you. and listen to Drifting, he was the guy who your teachers told you...
  2. L

    Drop to general or no?

    Its all about hard work and dedication. Instead of asking BoSers if you should drop, do YOU think you have the motivation to top 2u?
  3. L

    which subjects scales you the best???

    Mx1 and 2, eco, chem, phys, latin, advance English, chemistry. Some languages have insane scaling and I've heard the aligning and scaling for advance English topped economics somewhere...
  4. L

    Is this a good year 12 subject combination?

    that subject combo... Good thing im not competing with you for internal ranks next year hahaha
  5. L

    Carbon Tax Repealed

    Shocked by the amount we save by repealing the carbon tax. I would've thought it would be higher after all the commotion caused in the news and society. Guess not huh?
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    yeah brah ! economics, chemistry, business, 3u maths and english 99.95 atar easy moeydw
  7. L

    Does the HSC determine how smart you are. Discuss.

    But honestly not accepting intelligence as 'being able to answer a generic question' or being able to 'rote learn' isn't entirely true. In most cases the two aren't easily performed by an unintelligent person. How many of you can say that you can memorise things and retain it over a period of...
  8. L

    problem with studying for maths

    Two words. Past Papers. Exercises are ok with solidifying your knowledge with topics but if you want an actual examination mindset, past papers are the way to go
  9. L

    Joining Preliminary biology

    why would you drop accel at this point? You've pretty much finished majority of the course and only trials, finals and externals are left.. But i think at this point, it is EXTREMELY difficult to catchup; this is due to seeing my friends freakout and having a number of them cry before their half...
  10. L

    Atar Estimation Please

    R u going to use this in every estimate....
  11. L

    What should I do?

    Pretty much.. Any job that is rural and has a high risk to an individuals health pays handsomely. But 100k first career? Are you the next Warren Buffet? can't agree more. Is IT/ business your passion though? Actually had an argument with my friend who is money hungry and i asked him a...
  12. L

    Westpac Maths Comp!

    I dont know about maths but my tutor does med and he said in the chemistry competition he wrote a load of bull for most questions and he came out with a distinction... Stranger things had happened.
  13. L

    Does the HSC determine how smart you are. Discuss.

    and just like that my perception of ruse shattered... Nah but my ex was from ruse and she's doing arts for her hscs so i wouldn't be surprised if they didnt follow societal and parental expectations.
  14. L

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Im amazed by the growth this thread has experienced because I remember in january when we were only at about 40 posts. #wereallgonnamakeitbrah
  15. L

    Does the HSC determine how smart you are. Discuss.

    Ruse mentality: Doesn't get into med. Are you even ruse?
  16. L

    What's the benefit of a selective school?

    All teachers are pretty useless at their jobs to be honest, you'll only see a few who has a passion and methods to actually teach a student. - and thats why we have tutors :)
  17. L

    Year 11 subject selection

    2 unit isn't that difficult, just make sure your algebra is up to scratch though or else you'll get wrecked. Good on you for striving for a field!
  18. L

    What do I do if i got no formal date?

    try and hook up at the formal, nice time to try some pickup lines no? :)
  19. L

    senior science

    If you're hurlstone, i've heard they state rank every year? If you are then gg well play inb4 medicine.