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  1. technicolour

    Year 11 vs Year 12

    Oh, and I also don't have to put up with business anymore. That will mean that year 12 is forever better that year 11.
  2. technicolour

    General Maths and Standard English

    Advanced is just *really* conceptually based, which means that you have to link every freaking technique you see to a specific meaning within the text. I really have no idea whether you have to do the same in standard, but I'm just trying to identify the differences here. I think standard seems...
  3. technicolour

    Year 11 vs Year 12

    Yeah I like year 12 better so far for the sole reason that I actually have time to do my work this year. THen again, I suppose I won't like it so much in a couple of weeks when all my assessments are due.
  4. technicolour

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    God I love this thread. It gives me hope for the world. Stephanie Meyer should feel privileged just to be put in the same sentence with Stephen King's name. I could go on about how bad Twilight is, but I won't. I think we all get it.
  5. technicolour

    Early mornings, or late nights?

    Late nights. It's too stressful to do it in the mornings, knowing that you're on a really specific time limit.
  6. technicolour

    2010 s&c kids

    I've got a vague idea of my topic. Something to do with changing perceptions of heroes/tall poppy syndrome. I haven't really defined it specifically yet. It's all just a stream of consciousness in the form of a mindmap.
  7. technicolour

    "Study" Periods.

    God, I wish we had a common room. All we get is a small section of the library packed with people who won't shut up.
  8. technicolour

    General Maths and Standard English

    I don't know about Standard English, but yes general is actually a sorry excuse for a subject. Sadly, I still do it. I suppose it does teach data analysis and consumer maths, but overall, yeah it's pretty terrible.
  9. technicolour

    why english is compulsary

    LOL. True. Ask anyone who finished school if they still use the majority of things they learnt. They'll say no, but it's still necessary for people to get an education. Unless you'd like to be a dole bludger for the rest of your life.
  10. technicolour

    Competition at your school

    True, i could. It's just extremely annoying to hear the smugness in her voice. According to her, she is the oracle of everything. As annoying as it is, I can't help but laugh about it sometimes. Then again, there's always obnoxious people in life that you have to deal with. I just recently...
  11. technicolour

    why english is compulsary

    I'm with you 100%. I know people that have left school that get mocked because of their inability to write a coherent and structured formal letter. English teaches you to thing about things in a variety of ways and write so you don't sound like a douchebag. If you don't like it, deal with it...
  12. technicolour

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    We were on a trip with some random tour guide who just would not stop talking, and one of our ancient history teachers goes "I just want to tell her to shut the fuck up."
  13. technicolour

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    I want to do a Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Arts in Politics and international relations or history. That requires above 95.5 for Macquarie and above 99 for anything else. I'm happy to work at it. :)
  14. technicolour

    Not Getting ATAR

    We got a box. I ticked it and loled about how pointless it would be to say no. As if you wouldn't just get one if you were given the chance.
  15. technicolour

    Major Project Advice

    I have the same teacher for both majors (Society and His. Ext.) and she's fantastic. She sets us a bunch of deadlines to force us to get stuff done on time so that we're not a bunch of procrastinators. She's already stressed getting stuff done early. Good advice. :)
  16. technicolour

    Competition at your school

    AHAHAH. That's exactly it. The Hermione tone. Our teachers try to really encourage us to work as a group. We've had the cooperation lecture twice. I find it sad that some teachers actually encourage competition. All that's going to do is make your class hate each other.
  17. technicolour

    "Study" Periods.

    My free today was completely unproductive, for which I was kind of glad. Jesus christ saberbladexx, you have no idea how much I love your signature. It nearly made me fall off my chair.
  18. technicolour

    Competition at your school

    God, I hate when overachievers feel the need to constantly point their marks out. There are very few girls in our year that do that, but it's so aggravating. The most annoying person at our school though is this girl that sits near me in legal and modern who is in a constant delusion about...
  19. technicolour

    OMG @ the workload

    My workload is fine. I've got a bunch of assessments, but as long as I keep on top of it I won't get too stressed. It sucks if you have no free periods though. That's when I get half my work done.
  20. technicolour

    "Study" Periods.

    I do 12 units and get around 12 free periods a fortnight. Some are productive, but occasionally i do look through the collection of magazines or do a bit of absolutely useless chatting. I try to get stuff done at school rather than at home. It's a bit annoying though that half our year dropped...