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  1. L

    ATAR estimate please?

    School rank 170 (rural school) EngADV= 3/30 Math: 7/22 Geo: 1/22 GermCon: 30/90 Eco: 3/20 Thanks guys :)
  2. L

    Does God exist?

    Sorry, that is true that it's a bit confusing. Perhaps a helpful way to mull over your statement is that the very nature of God is that He is the omniscient and eternal Creator. I found this quote useful: When I’m teaching children, I like to explain it this way. There was no “before” God...
  3. L

    Visual techniques to look out for????

    Vectors. Always vectors. Teachers love vectors :cool:
  4. L

    Does God exist?

    One good question to get some thoughts ticking over: Look at your bedroom wall. Did a builder build that wall? Can you see the builder? Because you can't see the builder is this an argument for his/her non-existence? Of course not Now look at all of creation. Whether you believe in...
  5. L

    how to differentiate this?

    a better form for this would be 2x-5/2rootx
  6. L

    Related text help Might help. We did discovery in Yr 11, so I'm not much help personally :)
  7. L

    how to differentiate this?

  8. L

    What Ambiguities could arise from Euthanasia?

    I used this as a related text for module C, people and politics which you may enjoy:)
  9. L

    Level of Proficiency in German Continuers?

    I currently do Continuers through OHS :) I think in most Uni courses this an bring you to a 3rd or 2nd year level. Depends on uni/course