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  1. redmayne

    Should religions enjoy tax exempt status?

    Mmmm no. I tend not to visit the batty pages of extremists. You know...communists, neo-nazis, anarchists/libertarians and the like. Athenian democracy was established 2500 years ago. It has been vindicated, as a revolutionary beginning. Pretty sure today it's lauded, while belief in those other...
  2. redmayne

    Police stop raiding homes of ethnic criminals due to fears of negative publicity

    Um, you're not speaking of old America. They had police, they had a government providing services and countless other things that are still relatively the same today. You're speaking of anarchy. Don't modify your views for this particular discussion. We can "tend" towards libertarianism all...
  3. redmayne

    Should religions enjoy tax exempt status?

    You speak of minorities, yet your system is probably the worst possible scenario for them. How would the poor, the mentally ill, Aborigines etc. live in the world? Are they going to protect themselves? No, anyone that requires help from the government and community services would die out...
  4. redmayne

    Police stop raiding homes of ethnic criminals due to fears of negative publicity

    Please, stop infecting every thread with your libertarian filth. Libertarianism is exactly like Communism, in that it sounds oh so wonderful in theory, but it's phenomenally naive to think it will work in practice. Those "moulded pieces of metal" are built to kill, not just harmless clumps of...
  5. redmayne

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS .. thoughts and opinions?

    I wonder if she realises just how dumb she is. Oh damn, ad hom. Forgiveness, please. I take it all back.
  6. redmayne

    Should religions enjoy tax exempt status?

    "Ra ra ra evil government taking my money, using it to repress me and precious beliefs ra ra ra. I don't realise that a government is necessary to protect a country internally and externally, represent us and restrict with laws. Pretty much keep my existence from collapsing around me. These...
  7. redmayne

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS .. thoughts and opinions?

    You seem so intent on convincing us that we should ignore history here? But why? For what reason? It's perfectly relevant, as much as many of the arguments concerning contemporary factors. History builds up to make us what we are today, we shouldn't ignore it. The effects of the immigration...
  8. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    If the country is so full, then why don't people get ridiculously riled up by people having more than 2 babies? Or about people trying to live longer and longer? Why isn't the media constantly exacerbating these issues and generating heated debate? Because those people are white. A very, very...
  9. redmayne

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS .. thoughts and opinions?

    Granted, the first fleet were mostly convicts. But the vast majority of English who came here by boat in the 1700s and 1800s were free settlers. It's a very small minority of European Australians who have convict ancestry. We didn't need visas or go into detention centres, and somehow we think...
  10. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    Re: rape racist What a fucking ridiculous point. There are over 0.7 rapes per 1000 people in Australia each year. And yet you choose one, that happens to have been done by Muslim guys, so it must be racist. What are all the other rapes? White people being racist towards white people...
  11. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    Yeah fair point. At least here, people seem to be relatively sensible. But the anti-Muslim stance is veeeeryyy popular in Australia now. And most of it just xenophobia. A very small amount are genuine, somewhat respectable opinions. They're getting marginalised a fair bit, as are many...
  12. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    This whole thread concerns your support that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to immigrate to this country because of their religion. If that's not restricting someone's freedom of religion, I don't know what is. Advancing their religion worldwide, as a source of universal morals. Hmm, sound...
  13. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    I thought you were just doing this for a bit of a laugh? And you only copied the long passages from websites? Hmmm. See, the problem with the arguments of libertarians like you is this: You shout from the rooftops that you value individual liberties and freedom of speech etc. Yet you don't...
  14. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    Pay attention to the nice man, slively. Goodnight.
  15. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    I don't need to, my point still stands wonderfully. The private sphere is all about the role of authority and privacy at home or with the family. Why should I look up the definition when my point is sound. Tell me the difference between the Christian and Muslim perceptions of your private sphere.
  16. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    Yeah, right, women are equal in a Christian, European society. Maybe one day. Man wouldn't I like religion to be in a private sphere. Except my life sees Hillsong everywhere, various Christian denominations trying to convert me at my front door, Ann Coulter ranting and raving on television, Joe...
  17. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    No more than you. And Tuckey. And Coulter. And every other person that somehow got an education or power yet retained their particularly silly beliefs.
  18. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    And I'm just saying that all that civil unrest is a result of people alienating Muslims. Would there be tension if people stopped being such ignorant pricks and accepted that all Muslims aren't terrorists? No. Well, I think I just saw the credibility of anything and everything you've said...
  19. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    Hahahaha, yeah, that's why you write this: It's aaaaaall a big joke for you isn't it slively. You definitely don't take it seriously or put effort into it. At least sustain pride in your beliefs. Even when they're invalidated because they're fundamentally defunct.
  20. redmayne

    Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

    My God, just because you people have been comprehensively beaten on the real issues in this discussion, don't try and start attacking my minor example involving willies. It is defined as a bodily mutilation. That's not necessarily negative, yes, but that's what it is. As are tattoos and...