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  1. F

    Ah k good luck :) haha yep will do.

    Ah k good luck :) haha yep will do.
  2. F

    Michael! Haha my username is so awkward - my friends made it for me at school to look like a...

    Michael! Haha my username is so awkward - my friends made it for me at school to look like a gimp on this forum: task achieved i think lol. I got to Kambala wbu? Yeah I hope I did well in eco: really hoping for an atar of 99.7 at least, although i'm spending too much time right now on this site...
  3. F

    I feel like I did really bad..

    then i reckon you'll do fine :)
  4. F

    Section II - Short Answer

    I'm worried because i just put 66.66% cos i didn't think they'd expect you to round it from so far back. However, i think if you showed your working (i.e. that you knew how to put together unemployed + employed as the numerator, and working age population as denominator than x 100) and got some...
  5. F

    Section II - Short Answer

    yeah course it is, taxes and subsidies are market-based as they affect price and quantity to influence the forces of demand and supply in order to internalise the externality (taxes) or encourage production of merit goods (subsidies), whereas regulations are things like banning products to...
  6. F

    I feel like I did really bad..

    I actually don't think you'll end up doing that well for exchange rates - sorry. Because you should have gone through all the factors affecting the demand and supply of the dollar, since it was a theory question: which is more than just trade from china and trade from the mining boom. it's also...
  7. F

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Since when did we ever learn that an increase in demand causes a proportional decrease in supply? It doesn't - supply stays the same, but because there is more demand, the price on that supply goes up, hence the increase in the exchange rate. Increased investment demand causes an immediate...
  8. F

    5 marker

    Nooo I think you went a bit off topic. I wrote about 1) China's strategies to make use of booms in the intenrational business cycle: through open door policy and removing protection, it opened itself up to the fdi flows and trade flows that can help it achieve high growth etc. when the global...
  9. F

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Sorry i didn't mean to sound harsh, I just think that the point has been proven many times on the thread :)
  10. F

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Ahhhh i really don't get why there is debate about question 10 at all. There is absolutely no way in the world it could have been B. The diagram plain and simple showed a movement in SUPPLY. B was the most clearly wrong answer in my opinion, because it referred to DEMAND for the dollar which has...
  11. F

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    i'm actually pretty sure it's d. i put c as well in the exam but just remember: they often ask us to calculate the reveune to the government (which is that 500 square in there i.e. 100 x the tariff (i.e. 5) --> so the producer only ends up getting world price x quantity: why would they get the...
  12. F

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    ahhh too true! i didn't even read that far down to be honest. haha yep this is the only one i think i may have gottne wrong
  13. F

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    10 is C because a reduction in the net income deficit means reduced borrowing and investment overseas (as we're sending off less interest payments and equity payments, hence the reduced deficit) which is a reduction in supply of the $A. it's not b because B represents an increase in demand...
  14. F

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    I got exactly the same. Except for 7. I put A?? Because if the terms of trade are falling wouldn't the government raise interest rates to increase demand for the dollar to bring them back up? oh actually wait.....terms of trade are about export prices not the dollar...but aren't they...
  15. F

    Economics Tomorrow

    I go to the school that topped the state in 2009, beating even james ruse haha. my teacher taught that class. always 90% in band 6 at least. girl in my teacher's class topped the state in eco in 2009. she has never said to add diagrams for short answer. stupid idea.
  16. F

    Section III - Personalities

    why did hatshepsut undertake a building program (10 marks) discuss the nature of hatshepsut and thuthmose iii's relationship (15 marks) SOOO GOOD. just perfect. so easy.
  17. F

    is anyone else screwed for ancient tomorrow?

    I'm excited for ancient too. i've written practice essays on nearly every dot point haha so lame. we're doing pompeii and herc obviously, hatshepsut, new kingdom and augustus
  18. F

    Exam predictions

    I definitely think international crime is enough for a 15 marker --> we had it for our trial and i wrote three booklets, as did most people and luckily got 15/15. but yeah for some reason I think they'll choose young offenders since you can talk about all aspects of the justice system and just...
  19. F

    English Adv: 2/80, Ancient History: 1/30, History Extension: 1/15, Legal Studies: 1/10...

    English Adv: 2/80, Ancient History: 1/30, History Extension: 1/15, Legal Studies: 1/10, Economics: 2/18, English extension: 4/21, Music 2: 2/7
  20. F

    Can someone give an impression of my Creative piece?

    I'm honestly not trying to be mean or unfair or hyperbolic when I say that I reckon you'll get about a 5 at best. The similes in every sentence are so draining that we hardly get any forward narrative motion, it's too short, it has almost nothing to do with place except a forced reference at the...