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  1. effylove

    What have you eaten today?

    porridge jam and cheese toast salmon sushi iced chocolate (lol) tea
  2. effylove

    what the fuck is happening below

    what the fuck is happening below
  3. effylove

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    lost my shit here
  4. effylove

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    haha wow chill out gurl that was 2 ezy
  5. effylove

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    "with mathematicians like you" el oh el if that's all you think physics is then you are dumb and not a very passionate scientist well now *somebody's* reacted a bit strongly/defensively only confirms the [obvious] theory the girl he dumped you for was probably also less crazy
  6. effylove

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    lets be honest here what actually happened was he dumped you for a dumber hotter girl and then you delusionally convinced yourself and told/tell everyone that *you* in fact did the dumping for the reason that he wasn't smart/passionate enough
  7. effylove

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    duh i can read stupid it's just funny/ironic that you'd dump someone over a retarded reason like that and not even be doing the ~proper~ science subject (physics) i know you said the *same* interests in science but it's funny nonetheless
  8. effylove

    What have you eaten today?

    +shared pub chips & tomato sauce i want to kill myself holy crap i feel ill never again pub food fuck
  9. effylove

    What have you eaten today?

    had some more sleep and am now super hungry 2 more weetbix w/ soy milk 4 oreos oh god it (carb binge) begins
  10. effylove

    What have you eaten today?

    2 weetbix w/ milk some nachos sip of tea too tired to eat tbh
  11. effylove

    IT at UTS: Choosing between courses?! also Student Accomodation

    I met an IT graduate from UTS last night who had graduated with the equivalent of a distinction wam he was driving my taxi 31 and had only found decent (>$40k a year) work overseas
  12. effylove

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    haha christ and you don't even do physics there's a lot more than that
  13. effylove

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    HAHAHrdfgvhbjnkhbgfdesrdfgvhbjn lol no
  14. effylove

    A good pen to use in exams?

    you should use one that clicks everyone around you will love you for it
  15. effylove

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    he deletes them to make us look crazy roll with it
  16. effylove

    What have you eaten today?

    not likely buddy
  17. effylove

    What have you eaten today?

    + grilled salmon steak w/ brown rice, soy sauce, seaweed and jap mayo omnomnomnom