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  1. C

    How to memorise English essays?

    hey i'm white and i memorise essays... though i do go to a selective :D
  2. C

    How is the Dux determined at your school?

    yeh that's the system at my school - it's too complicated for me, so i don't bother thinking about it.
  3. C

    How is the Dux determined at your school?

    they have some ex-maths teacher at my school who works out dux for each year (7-12), and it seems really complicated how they work it out - they go a bit ott about it, i think. but the only people who care about dux are 1 or 2 tryhards (who never get it btw :D). Our school its $40 for yr 7&8...
  4. C

    Modern History

    Meiji japan is really good - i did it in yr 9, and its about japan going from completely feudal to a massive industrial empire in just 50 yrs. i just did vietnam war - pretty interesting (BoS notes got me thru the course :D), but i kinda messed up the assessment task, tho i havent got the marks...
  5. C

    Prelim half-yearlies?

    yeh i don't have half-yearlies either - instead my school heavily weights the marks for the yearly exam, like 50% of my chem mark comes from the yearlies. which is pretty terrible...
  6. C

    Heart Of Darkness, any good?

    i have to read it for english next term too - i read it for about 5 secs and im bored... i'll probably just bookmark the sparknotes page :D
  7. C

    This combo

    2+1+2+1+2+2=10 units (english ext is only 1 unit) Don't you have to do 12 units in year 11? or am i missing something? cos otherwise im wasting my time with modern history, id just do that combo.
  8. C

    Gender inequality

    but didnt the kazakh government scientist dr yamak prove woman brain size of squirrel? lol borat
  9. C vs grooveshark

    yeh but youtube breaks your internet limit...well, thats if your with telstra, like i am.
  10. C vs grooveshark

    i just went onto the website and it says "your free trial of radio has now ended. To keep listening to non-stop, personalised radio, subscribe for only $3.00/month". I don't know, maybe i signed up wrong, but it doesnt matter cos i just use grooveshark - don't have to bother.
  11. C

    Past School Certificate(YEAR 10) Papers

    the board of studies publishes examples of each band answers (6 to 1), plus exemplary answers. it's on their website...somewhere...sorry i couldnt be more useful, maybe someone else knows
  12. C vs grooveshark

    i signed up for an account, and then after thirty songs on their radio they said i had to subscribe and pay $3 a month. i asked my friend about it, but he didnt really give me an answer...
  13. C vs grooveshark

    hey, which one do you think is better? I've tried using but then i got hit with a $3 a month subscription fee so pfft no way. ive started using grooveshark and it's really good - you get to search for songs instead of being forced to radio, though it's recommendations aren't as good as...
  14. C

    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Re: Sydney Easter Show yeh, so ill be the youngest there by 14 years. hmmm.... idk it probably wont be too bad. i shouldve gone for a paid job, but oh well.
  15. C

    If You Could Choose A Text To Study For English, For Your HSC, What Would It Be?

    pulp fiction, or american beauty, though they'd be pretty hard to analyze cos they're so full-on.
  16. C

    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Re: Sydney Easter Show is anyone else volunteering? or am i going to be the only person under 50 years old volunteering?
  17. C

    Grammatical Mistakes in Novels

    lol, you sound like the paperclip on microsoft word.
  18. C

    should i drop ext 1 english??

    ok, right now im doing the subjects in my banner, except instead of ext. 2 maths im doing ext. 1 english. im also doing a 1 unit mac uni course (critical thinking), so that makes 13 units for this year. i'm going to drop ext. english in year 12 so i can do 4 unit maths (as per my banner), and im...
  19. C

    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    i sat opposite one of the sunrise newsreaders on a plane flight from perth, and i've seen michael moore film a documentary. oh yeh and i had to once referee peter fitzsimon's son's sports game with peter right there (eek...)
  20. C

    your current favourite song

    bruce springsteen - born in the usa (i only just realised that it's an anti-american much more meaning...)