Search results

  1. Riachain

    Need to Pick One More Subject - ACCT1511 or FINS1613

    Definitely avoid FINS1613 when Kyung Hwan is teaching it. *shudder*
  2. Riachain

    ECON1203 project help

    Null hypotheses are always with an "=" sign, so it'd be H0: U=255. (That's what we learned, anyway. Doing the assignment at the moment. Going pretty darn decent!)
  3. Riachain

    Commerce - 2nd Major

    Your free elective courses go into your second major. You still do Gen Ed courses. (Just correct me if I'm wrong.)
  4. Riachain

    Where all the architecture people

    They don't have time to be on forums, haha. Go to the Red Center. They're all there. Even if you go at midnight or at 3AM, some of them will still be there. (Not kidding either. A friend of mine is doing Architecture and I only see her once every two weeks because she's too busy.)
  5. Riachain

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    SELLING: FINS1613 - Essentials of Corporate Finance + Tables (2nd Edition) ARTS1811 - World Politics All in excellent condition. I haven't written in any of them. Please just private message me if you're interested. I can also offer whatever notes/lecture slides I have for any of the classes...
  6. Riachain

    UNSW O-Week Meat 2013

    Might pop in when I have a bit of free time.
  7. Riachain

    Any way to find out what textbooks we need in advance?

    Like everyone said, it's usually better to just wait until the semester starts to see which books are actually needed. But a few weeks before it starts, a course outline should be released for each class. That course outline will have the list of books that you'll need to buy for the course. I...
  8. Riachain

    UNSW Roll Call 2013

    Bachelor of Commerce/Arts, 1st year.
  9. Riachain

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    1) Went to Step Up (an international student orientation program). Sat down while waiting to get permission to enter the lecture hall at the CLB. While waiting, this girl randomly introduced herself to me and we started talking. Turns out, she lived in the same dormitory as me. Fast forward...
  10. Riachain

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    Oh, there is? I'll probably go then, if it doesn't clash with anything else I have that week. Y'know, I hate sitting down next to people I don't know too. But if you want to make friends in university, that's what you gotta do. Think of university as a fresh start to give yourself a new image...
  11. Riachain

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    I'm going to randomly butt into the entire conversation just to say that you shouldn't worry, because you will find friends. Most likely not on the first tutorial, of course, but you'll eventually make friends in either your lectures or tutorials. Or in societies, random introductory events...
  12. Riachain

    Thinking of changing schedule?

    Haha, as usual. And thanks, I definitely will contact you if I need the help. ;) Like Trans4M said, it's basically Business Statistics. If you're doing MATH2901, you're probably already way too advanced for this course anyway, haha. (I, on the other hand, will die attempting to pass the...
  13. Riachain

    Thinking of changing schedule?

    Alright, that's good then. (That the distance isn't too far and that I can make it in time for the lecture, I mean.) Hurray! I'm glad that I have a decent lecturer for that course. I really want to do well in the subject. >__<; Thanks for all your help. :)
  14. Riachain

    Thinking of changing schedule?

    Thought about it and ended up changing my schedule. Like you said, I didn't want to run across campus to get to a tutorial. Though now I just realized another problem... my ARTS2630 lecture on Monday is in the Old Main Building, lower campus, and the ECON1203 lecture right after it is in the...
  15. Riachain

    Thinking of changing schedule?

    Right now my schedule looks like this: Monday 9am to 11am: ARTS2630 Lecture 11am to 12pm: ECON1203 Lecture 1pm to 2pm: ECON1203 Tutorial 3pm to 4pm: ECON1102 Lecture Tuesday 10am to 12pm: ARTS2630 Tutorial 1pm to 2pm: ECON1102 Tutorial 3pm to 5pm: ACCT1501 Lecture Wednesday 1pm...
  16. Riachain

    Help me choose my major pls

    Like me! I also want to work overseas, preferably in Japan or South Korea in the future, but I'm doing it in a more roundabout way. Going to try to get into a business that has branches in Japan and South Korea, work up the ranks/build up some trust and experience, then hopefully get a transfer...
  17. Riachain

    Help me choose my major pls

    :D By the way, 4025808 just made me change my mind about Management. Don't do Management, it's too theoretical. You might as well go for Human Resource Management. More practical and all that. Ask him for the fine details, haha.
  18. Riachain

    Help me choose my major pls

    Perhaps I should've worded my reply better. FINS1613 certainly never made me completely cross Finance off my list of possible majors. It's still a possible major. FINS1613 just nudged it more into the "unlikely to major in" category, that's all. You can never completely cross out a major until...
  19. Riachain

    Help me choose my major pls

    Mm, I don't know about the person who made this thread, but the way that I see it, if I couldn't even score a decent mark in FINS1613, it's highly unlikely that I'll do well in upper level Finance courses, so I might as well go for a major that I can actually do better in. I actually found the...
  20. Riachain

    Help me choose my major pls

    Ooh, somebody who is exactly like me! I'm also planning to major and minor in the same languages (Korean & Japanese), though I haven't decided which one will be the major and which one will be the minor. And FINS1613 also really put me off my plans to possibly pursue a Finance major! x'D Even...