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  1. Riachain

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    My friend was one of the members in Voice. She called out to me and because she was my friend, I couldn't reject her, so I ended up voting. *headdesk* On the bright side, I have a perfect excuse to run the hell out of there if someone asked me to vote tomorrow.
  2. Riachain

    ECON1102 (Macroeconomics) summer course?

    I don't think they'll have a mid-session exam. I still haven't gotten a reply from the course instructor, so... *shrug* Er, I know? I haven't done 1a yet though. And I took Accounting in high school for two years. So I already know about my debits, credits, financial statements, accounting...
  3. Riachain

    ECON1102 (Macroeconomics) summer course?

    I have no idea. I emailed the instructor for the course to ask how the course will be structured, but so far, I haven't received a reply. And thanks for telling me about LEGT1710 and INFS1602. Hmm, I have a tough decision to make, haha. ;')
  4. Riachain

    HELP Why UNSW?

    *pops up* DID SOMEONE SAY ASIAN? *points at self* ...err, anyway, I'm a current student at UNSW, and I chose it because of its reputation for its Commerce degrees. There was other stuff too, like allowing me to enter Commerce even though I sucked at Math in HSC, but that's another story. Not...
  5. Riachain

    ECON1102 (Macroeconomics) summer course?

    I get lazy too, but I'd prefer being lazy over being swamped with assessments that I have to complete within six weeks. (I heard that the summer term courses basically wrap a semester's worth of content into six weeks. That'd be fine, but I'm worried that it also means that if I take classes...
  6. Riachain

    ECON1102 (Macroeconomics) summer course?

    I'm thinking about doing it for the summer, since it's an online course, but is it a difficult course? As in, is it better learnt in an actual classroom than online? I'll be taking this course with the MARK1012 (Marketing Fundamentals), which is also online, so I need your opinions on...
  7. Riachain

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    Here here. Don't even know what aspie is, but damn it, if they just stand there and give posters instead of stalking us and scaring the crap out of us, they'd probably get more ticket sales.
  8. Riachain

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    ...whoops, I must be in the wrong thread. I'll just slowly sneak away now... (But yeah, if I could, I'd kick 'em where it hurts too. I'm getting tired of being put on the spot. Even though I feel that it's rude to ignore people who're handing out posters to you, because they're humans too and...
  9. Riachain

    Exam timetable s2 2012

    Oct. 26, 8:45am - FINS1613 Oct. 27, 1:45pm - MGMT1001 Nov. 2, 1:45pm - ECON1101 Fuck FINS1613 for being early in the morning. Also, MGMT1001, why must you be on a Saturday?! (Though thank you for having the decency to be in the afternoon. Gives me a full day to study you.) And I have no...
  10. Riachain

    2013 Class timetable will be out tomorrow

    This is awesome. Never stumbled upon this page before, but it's awesome. 8D
  11. Riachain

    2013 Class timetable will be out tomorrow

    I'm hoping for a good timetable. And I guess I'll be the only one to go to summer school then, haha... D;
  12. Riachain

    Seriously considering dropping FINS 1613...

    Eh, I don't care what their reasons were. They made it easier for us, and that's all that matters to me. I hope they'll keep on making the quizzes this easy.
  13. Riachain

    Likes/Dislikes about UNSW

    What I meant by living 15 minutes away from UNSW was a 15 minute walk away from UNSW. Still takes me 20 minutes by bus to get to the city. ;P No idea if it was a fix or not. I'm just glad that they chose talented winners, although the second and third place winners are questionable.
  14. Riachain

    Seriously considering dropping FINS 1613...

    Good. At least I'm not the odd one out. I failed too. The first FINS1613 quiz, if I had the paper back, I'd stab it, rip it, and throw it to the dogs. Oh, you have her tutorial? I do too! She's a really good tutor. I thought this time's FINS1613 quiz was good. I'd also prefer it if quizzes...
  15. Riachain

    2012 campus food guide?

  16. Riachain

    Likes/Dislikes about UNSW

    Bachelor of Commerce/Arts Likes: - Definitely the campus life. UNSW might be reputable for what it teaches, but it's also reputable for being a kickass party university. I know that several famous bands (such as Paramore and Yellowcard) have performed at UNSW in the past. - The people! I...
  17. Riachain

    UNSW Campus

    ...not much of a shortcut for me, haha. If only there was a shortcut from the lower campus to the upper campus...
  18. Riachain

    UNSW Campus

    Rofl. I think there's quite a few overweight people (like me), but you're right - I haven't seen many obese people around. (And the stairs are slowly making me lose weight...) My stamina's slowly improving as well. Though it's still my first semester, so I'm huffing and puffing and I'm slower...
  19. Riachain

    UNSW Campus

    If you're already constantly sick (like I am), stairs won't do you any good. I still climb those stupid things though... (Am I allowed to use the elevator? If so, which floor do I press?) time, I'm organizing my schedule so that I can avoid those stairs like the plague. =/ And all the...
  20. Riachain

    Catered residential colleges and internet

    Definitely better, haha. Though I use more GB than you each month, so unlimited plans is really the only "cheapest" option for me. (Without limiting Internet use.)