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  1. GolfGirl97

    The missing Malaysian Airlines...

    and everyone is safe? i hope so.
  2. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    you must be a genius.
  3. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    mwahahaha its official, I'm going to fail my maths test next period :') i know NOTHING :') ill probably get 30% like i did in the practice test we did a few weeks ago :')
  4. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    oh hehe that's the thing, i know i cant do this stuff because going through the chapter reviews this afternoon, I've realised i haven't properly learnt how to do most of the things.. :redface: I'll try and make sure i understand everything for my half yearly though :3 I don't do extension 1...
  5. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    this must be the first time ever that i haven't stressed about a maths test......:') probably because I already know I'm going to fail miserably.
  6. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    oooooh yeah my tests just a mathematics test but meh. ohh wow i don't even know what polynomials, permutations and combinations are :') i think I'm going to drop ext maths... We move really quickly throughout the topics and i can never keep up with it. I don't get enough time to fully...
  7. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    heeheeeheeeeee studying for this maths test tomorrow is really wasting my time. i give up ^_^ I'm getting pretty much every question wrong now :') i still haven't told my dad that the test is tomorrow...i think if he knew he'd freak out and kill me.
  8. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    i hate maths with a passion. I've never understood it. it makes me feel really dumb. at least in english i get pretty decent marks, I've never failed an english exam before. I've failed one maths exam but since year 7 or early year 8 I've never had a score over 85% in maths..i remember i got...
  9. GolfGirl97

    The missing Malaysian Airlines...

    i still think it was hijacked.
  10. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    English > Maths any day. Id rather do anything than maths actually.
  11. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    i do it all late at night because in the morning i feel rushed and most of the time don't get through everything i need to do :/ i try to finish as much work as possible before midnight anyway...i need my sleep lol :P
  12. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    i hope i did ok in my english listening task today tho... X_X my only hope at the moment is English, Modern History and Multimedia bc i will probably fail my maths test and i have a feeling i won't do too well in either of my science assessments either :S
  13. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Stupid maths test tomorrow >.> I'm not even stressed anymore. Im so underprepared and i just give up. idgaf anymore T_T x(
  14. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    yeah, i think I'm just gonna go to sleep soon....i can study tomorrow morning for english and after school ill try and finish maths. its just i wanted to finish all my chapter reviews today so i could do a practice test tomorrow arvo :'( looks like ill be doing chapter reviews and a practice...
  15. GolfGirl97

    Why have you had a detention?

    year 7 - those class detentions that you'd get bc a few idiots in the class were being stupid and everyone had to come back at lunch year 8 - class detentions, didn't bring sports uniform for PE (like once only) year 9 - didn't bring my sport uniform one day for sports , class detentions year...
  16. GolfGirl97

    The missing Malaysian Airlines...

    Re: Where the flying fuck is mh370!! I'm still upset over this :( i hope that they're ok.. i hope it was terrorists and they landed somewhere and are all alive.....i hope it didn't crash into the ocean...
  17. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    omg :'( i didn't study enough at all today. i did like 9 questions from the chapter review in my maths text book and i still have another chapter to go over. shit, shit, shit shiteosfjdnegdsnvjkmskdaehfjdsnv I'm so screwed :'( i still have to try and memorise these quotes for my listening task...
  18. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    omg i am so glad i dropped ancient. i dropped it the first day back :') i got the syllabus for it and i was like...ewwww..
  19. GolfGirl97

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    what even is that? :blink2: nope...cant do that...... :spzz: