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  1. luv2luvurmama

    Women who wear burkhas on the street in France face fines of more than £700

    youve said that twice, and "Lol muslims" Your so imature and pathetic. The dirtiest poorest dumbest muslim is more valuable than you. I would compare you to chicken shit, bit that has more value and use than you and your disabled brain. Shut up and dont talk. Anyways, Why wear burkhas? why not...
  2. luv2luvurmama

    Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince

    I saw daniel radcliffe humping a cow
  3. luv2luvurmama


    Your face is, so STFU Noob-Rocket.
  4. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    LOL, there is a difference between opinion and facts. That is just ALL Opinion, not one fact lol. Its just good to see you post your arguement without showing the world how racist you are.
  5. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    Osama Bin Laden and his family where in business with America, and George Bush. Source: bin Laden family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Osama bin Laden's Bush Family Business Connections Now, that right there is just enough to disprove all that bullshit about stupid muslim...
  6. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    Lol, no one is even replying to my post, does anyone agree with what my uncle said!?
  7. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    But i like this picture :(
  8. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    YEA!!! Thats what i meant, The buildings causing the planes to fall down are a metaphoric representation of their evilness!!
  9. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    BOO HOO :(, Grow Up
  10. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    Make sweet love to me
  11. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    LOL, good old Uncle Mustafa. Uhm.. he got this story from Khalids, son
  12. luv2luvurmama


    Yeah i know.. lol.....
  13. luv2luvurmama


    Slope is gradient. The equation given can be written in the form y = mx + b (Im sure you've heard of that) Because these two equations are of a straight line. Where m is the gradient/slope and b is the y intercept Re arrange the equation your given. ax + by +c = 0 by = -ax - c y =...
  14. luv2luvurmama


    What's the black dude with the big nose in skins called?
  15. luv2luvurmama

    9/11 Defence of the Muslims

    Well ive been seeing alot of hate of islamcists, BUT ive just figured out what really happened in 9/11, it wasent a terrorist attacks by the muslims! My uncle, Mustafa, was eating his Kebab and said to me, i tell you what really happened in september 11, and i said sure. And now begins our...
  16. luv2luvurmama

    Grade Point Average?

    How do they work? Is a GPA of 5.0 alot? And in medical science, would that be difficult? if so arround what percentile or marks am i looking at?
  17. luv2luvurmama

    Is survivor fake?

    Ok, so in other words, "IT IS FAKE"
  18. luv2luvurmama

    Is survivor fake?
