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  1. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    Errr I don't know, may be China dominated the world economy and in technology 20 out of the last 21 centuries, and only lost to the worst due to early European industrial revolution and most importantly Europe's closeness to Americas and Africa allow them to capture large amount of resources and...
  2. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    From the patent aspect, East Asians are on part with Western countries, and Koreans & Japanese certainly > White people in innovations. The thing is, how many of the Western inventions are done by ethnic Asians? Given that significant amount of phd in Western unis are Asians, inventions and...
  3. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    South Korea dominating!!! Lol If Shanghai was a country, we would be no1. in per GDP and per capita just like we Shanghainese dominated in PISA tests. the rest of poor ass Chinese like the dumb asstibetans, muslims terrorists in xinjiang dragging Shanghainese down.
  4. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    Fucking Owned Yeah, one patent on wifi, big deal.
  5. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    When was the last time Europeans designed anything in consumer technology?
  6. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    Western technology? Pretty sure most of the technology you use are made with by Asians, and the 'western' bits are made by Asians in the West (hint: the brown Asians) ? A chinese kid with humble textbooks and a lamp can get better marks than a western kid with all his/her laptop, iphone...
  7. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    Is it unAustralian that smart fresh of the boat Chinese kids are forced to study with stupid native lebo kids in Western Sydney public schools simply because they can not speak good English?
  8. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    That's because "Unaustralian" is not even a word recognised by spell check.
  9. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    It's UnAnstralian that we can not keep kangaroos as pet, yet I can buy kangaroo meat sold as cat pet food.
  10. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    I want just to cut up a white goat with big udder in the Year of the Goat the Halal way and cook em on a bbq on Australian day. Multiculturalism FTW.
  11. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    Well for quarter of a million dollars is she white with large udder.
  12. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    How is there a discrimination? The game does not say a group of people can not play this game...
  13. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    Where can I buy a female goat in Sydney?
  14. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    lol, someone's gonna get blown up.
  15. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    Jesus, why are you so angry? Even gay people shouldn't be offended by this game. Wouldn't you shoot dead some guy trying to rape you whether you're gay or not?
  16. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    We've found a liberal nazi here or just another gay. It's UnAustralian to tell me what game I can and can not play in this country mate.
  17. financialwar

    Ass Hunter banned

    A game where you can shoot up gays before they rape yo ass has been banned from Google Play. So much for western democracy and freedom of speech. Since when did anyone has the right not be offended??
  18. financialwar

    Any arcade stick users here?

    What fighting game do you play and what stick do you own?
  19. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    Because it's their second language.
  20. financialwar

    what does UnAustralian mean exactly?

    It is so unaustralian to attack someone based on their ethnicity. Where is the spirit of multiculturalism? And why is white people so rare in actuarial studies?