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  1. S

    dent in orange 2010

    Chill raniaaa, your going hard on this forum! posting like theres no tomorrow lol! Well I'd say he would, didnt they make us do 2 copies of the application form. Im sure one goes to the dean or something like that (and besides it did say dear massey), and the other goes to judy or someone in admin.
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    dent in orange 2010

    haha guys stop stalking the staff! haha. Yeah I admit I'm reaching that obsessive stage as well! And I've also found out that your grades only come into play AFTER the interview......... THATS HARSH!
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    dent in orange 2010

    yeah I read that too. Gosh thats a lot of applicants though! I mean theyd get around 800 applicants (judging by last years rumours somewhere on this site), so thats like atleast 300 people for 40 places! That means we get around a 1 in 5 chance of getting into the course if we get an itnerview...
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    dent in orange 2010

    Yeah no worries. There are 40 places, am i right? And from there, Id say in general they interview 2-3 people for every place?? so say around 120 interviews? haha yeah the dental experience would count! I put in my dental experience too. I'm hoping my other stuff will pull me through to...
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    dent in orange 2010

    lol, Judy Stone seems like an itneresting character. She seemed like she was in a rush to end the conversation, though keep in mind that she probably gets a thousand enquiries about the course, and im sure a lot of those enquiries would be quite silly. So in that context, she probably greets...
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    dent in orange 2010

    Hey Boxhunter. When i spoke to judy stone, i asked her about that. She said everyone gets treated "equally". I dont know what her definition of equal is, but id say non school leavers and school leavers are on the same boat. Keep in mind that everyone gets ranked. The portfolio counts a lot. And...
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    Jcu applications

    Yeah I'm pretty sure you would. Or else how would you emphasize the med practitioner/dental practitioner questions. Would seem a bit strange if you just focused on one profession. They might not like it, and also the chances are different selection group might be in charge of dental applicants...
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    dent in orange 2010

    Congrats on sending in the application. Are most of you guys from a regional background by the way? itd be itneresting to see how heavily weighted the regional background is. They seem to drill that point a lot!
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    dent in orange 2010

    Gosh you guys are already planning lives at CSU. I wish i can be as optimistic hey! And just off track here, WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE PASSPORT PHOTO and photoopies of applications and stapling one lot to the other. God these guys ask a lot out of you! Its like they want you to beg them...
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    dent in orange 2010

    haha yeah judy stone is an interesting character, to say the least. Is it just me, or can she make someone feel really nervious! But then again, shes probably sick of all the phone calls! And I'm pretty sure theres a difference between regional and rural. But for CSU's application sake, i...
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    The official Medical Science thread

    Well keep in mind guys if you do a tafe course in laboratory techniques or something together with your udnergrad med sci degree, you get into AIMS. Though, getting into AIMS isnt really necessary like katie tully had said. You only may need it if you want to go into pathology, and thats fairly...
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    dent in orange 2010

    Hey Guys, Not too sure where to post this, but thought id do it here. With respect to that application form, do a lot of you have genuine dental experience? I mean honestly, the only people with professional experience in dentistry are therapists or dental nurses. And whats funny is that the...
  13. S

    UAC --> Similar to QTAC in the way tertiary results are assessed?

    Thanks mate. Ive just contacted QTAC, and everyones GPA gets converted to a rank, and higher research qualifications get assessed differently, for anyone else in the future thinking about how QTAC assesses tertiary qualifications. And this would be the same for UAC.
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    UAC --> Similar to QTAC in the way tertiary results are assessed?

    Hi Guys Im new here, but i cant seem to find info on this site on whether UAC calculates ranks similar to how QTAC does it. UAC have been attrocious in their services!:mad1: No one in UAC seems to know how its done, however QTAC was nice enough to assist me, saying that everyone in queensland...