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    heyys i'm anne. nice to meet you (:

    heyys i'm anne. nice to meet you (:
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    heyys i'm not on BOS much so what's your name?

    heyys i'm not on BOS much so what's your name?
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    heyys thanks for the add (: So, who are u?

    heyys thanks for the add (: So, who are u?
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    maths help

    that's what i did but i didn't get the right answer i must have done a silly mistake thank you
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    maths help

    Can someone do this question for me please Find the gradient of the secant to the given curve, through the given points. y=x^2, x=2 and x=4 answer=6
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    Hi thanks for the add Who are you?

    Hi thanks for the add Who are you?
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    Kip Mcgrath

    just to let you know, 2unit maths is advanced maths nowadays :haha:
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    Scoring 80%+ ATAR

    Re: Scoring 80+ ATAR try using the SAM calculator
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    UTS Med Sci 010?

    why is that? =S
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    Are there English Advanced students who do not enjoy English?

    I hate to break it to you but, no. You're going to have to stay in standard english.
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    year 11 physics.

    This is waht i have been taught: E=V.I.T comes from P=VI (power = volts x currents) & P=E/t (power= energy divided by time) Sustitude the 'P's and therefore, VI = E/T and E=V.I.T
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    Personal 2U Maths and 3U Maths Tutor!

    Where abouts are you located?
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    Are you enjoying Year 11?

    LOL! i agree :haha:
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    Are there English Advanced students who do not enjoy English?

    LOL! everybody loves extension but hates advanced
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    Are there English Advanced students who do not enjoy English?

    So i was wandering, are there English Advanced students who do not enjoy English or is it just me? i'm an English Advanced student and tbh, i do not enjoy english >.< Is there anyone else out there? For people wandering why i'm not doing English standard instead, it's because my teacher...
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    ENG ADV PEOPLE! Teacher wants me to move from ENG STD TO AVD, Should I?

    and what are the chances of students getting band 6?
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    ENG ADV PEOPLE! Teacher wants me to move from ENG STD TO AVD, Should I?

    i'm really confused in this argument :s
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    Prerequisites for Undergraduate Bachelor of Education

    i think they are subjects they recommend you to do (doesnt mean you have to) 2 unit of maths can be general maths or mathematics
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    thanks May =) You too!

    thanks May =) You too!