Search results

  1. captainneuro

    State ranks?

    No if you’re 5th, I mean, realistically speaking.. not happening. If you’re 2nd/3rd tho, it’s possible, but it’s still extremely difficult unless the person ranked 1st in your subject is absolutely smashing state ranking and is exceptional and you’re like a mark away from them. So your school...
  2. captainneuro

    Geography or Ancient History???

    u may be right sorry lol, i was basing mine off hsc ninja and putting in same marks for those 2 subs. Ancient generally had higher scaling in most years, 2016 excluded
  3. captainneuro

    Geography or Ancient History???

    Ancient, by a bit.
  4. captainneuro


    Band 5 is easily achievable.. Even your raw mark of 73 now will get scaled to a band 5.. aim for a band 6. Always aim the highest, that way if you fall a bit short it’s okay. Don’t limit yourself with this lol. Also with ranks, it can change drastically over the year, mid year 12 my friend was...
  5. captainneuro

    Pathway to Psychology?

    Ye, can either do the psych board approved 2 year internship or the masters of clinical psych, one or the other - whichever works out for u. Just remember its not as easy as you may think and would be competitive to gain admission in grad programs for psych.
  6. captainneuro

    Pathway to Psychology?

    not really sure about social work.. ive heard you can through bachelor of science or arts that has a main psych program and is accredited. you'll need a 4 year psych degree (APAC accredited), I dont think bachelors in social work with just a psych hons would fulfill its requirements. Even with...
  7. captainneuro

    Band 6

    Depends on your rank. If you're in the middle of the cohort, you may even get dragged down (therefore affect your chances of attaining a particular band) however if you're first, no one affects your marks or anything, you will not get dragged down or up. First place person's band/mark is based...
  8. captainneuro

    Engineering to Psychology or Biotecnology?

    This is why you don't choose a job or career pathway based on the amount of income you earn
  9. captainneuro

    PDHPE exam question - worried!

    lmao i remember doing that question in the exam. Your examples are good btw, and no I wouldn't say your answer is particularly considered "wrong" but it's not the full answer so probably would lose marks for that. Maybe received like 2-3/5? from what you've written there only.
  10. captainneuro

    So confused

    Lol i was the same when starting out year 12. Don't worry, still very easy to get a band 6 if you do better in upcoming ones. Still have a year ahead.
  11. captainneuro

    Year 11 2018 - How to prepare??

    Not much for year 11 opposed to 12 tbh. To put this simple and short, you can get ahead and start reading your english texts - gives you a head start in absorbing the text and lighten the workload even by a bit next year, for maths, maybe read ahead and practice content for the first few...
  12. captainneuro

    Ew Maths

    I'd say wait it out a little longer and see how you go with perhaps the next one or next 2 and drop it if you still do poorly. This way you have one less subject to worry about and can focus more and dedicate more time to your other subjects. As for uni, it really depends on what you want to do...
  13. captainneuro

    Band 6

    Average between the two - internals (school assessments/exams) and external (hsc exam mark) Simple terms - Say your overall avg internal was 88 for bio and your external for bio was 92. Your overall hsc mark for bio would then be average between the two, which would be 90 - correlating to band 6.
  14. captainneuro

    Should I drop Bio????

    You'll be dropping your second highest scaling subject though? (right after ext history).. Why not dropping the least scaling subject that also has a major (visual arts)?
  15. captainneuro

    ATAR Estimate

    97.5+, just improve eng and maths by a few ranks for 99.
  16. captainneuro

    ATAR Estimate

    band 6's last year per sub?
  17. captainneuro

    Is an ATAR of 80 possible?

    how about for your e12?
  18. captainneuro

    2u scaling

    atleast 90 raw, that would get you a 95. For 96-97, 91.50-92 raw. Look on raw marks database as a rough guide, good luck.
  19. captainneuro

    state rank calls!

    Only 1st place per sub gets calls, rest find out around midday of results day. If you're not 1st, you'll find out on the 14th
  20. captainneuro

    Is an ATAR of 80 possible?

    Assuming you have to achieve that for your e12 course?