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  1. Survivor39

    Australian Idol 2004

    hmmm....what happened if they got dumbed mid way through? Coz they had to go through 3 rounds before going into the top 100...
  2. Survivor39

    Crap Electives.....

    :rolleyes: the only thing you seem to know is the definition of haven't even experience what psyc is like at uni in order to support your claim.... i am not going to bother arguing with you since you are not even in psyc1001 to justify what you're saying...
  3. Survivor39

    Crap Electives.....

    At least someone agrees with me. Thank you. In session 1, I did Psyc1001. But it's not really relevant. it was like doing Society and Culture in the HSC..... But in session 2, I will be doing HPSC1500 Understanding Environmental Controversy....which is again, quite useless...... *sighs* But...
  4. Survivor39

    Australian Idol 2004

    I cannot wait!! The auditions are going to be so funny and bring tears out of my eyes! :rofl: I saw this asian guy (yes...asian)...omg....i think he's trying to be the next William Hung or something. he's name is Fling??..... :rolleyes: shit....why do asians have to embarrass themselve like...
  5. Survivor39

    how's session 2?

    Why aren't you doing BIO timmy? i thought you are better at bio than chem :D you are getting a HD or D in bio1201.....
  6. Survivor39

    how's session 2?

    hmmm....session 2 = 16 hours BSSM1110 BIOS1011 CHEM1011 HPSC1500
  7. Survivor39

    OK...Name yourself...Who killed the chem exam??

    Genes expression, endosymbiosis, and facilitated diffusion.
  8. Survivor39

    Diploid/haploid chromosomes

    well, if it is not talking about human, then you are correct. Sorry for the confusion. :)
  9. Survivor39


    YEP! The final score is sweet :) Federer beat Hewitt 6-1, 6-7, 6-0, 6-4
  10. Survivor39

    mean girls ...

    I always get pressure into watching some horror movie. so i never get to see funny/action movies. I went and saw Dawn of the dead.....*sighs*
  11. Survivor39


    Teen marketing is a marketing strategy that aim to sell paraphenalia for teenagers. I don't know....
  12. Survivor39

    Crap Electives.....

    Psyc is not more relevant than Geo... As to comp, it is not even relevant compared to geo. But if you speak in that sense....every thing is relevant to med....Engineering even...
  13. Survivor39

    Diploid/haploid chromosomes

    nesstar's answer is not quite correct. Not 13 chromosomes, it's 26 chromosomes. it should have been written as "13 pairs of chromosomes, which is equal to 26 chromosomes" No true! I think you should use the NUMBER of chromosomes instead of using the number of pairs. Mitosis produce two...
  14. Survivor39

    Crap Electives.....

    No, but you can request for a variation, which was what I did. but My request was denied because they said GEOS is "not appropriate". So I wanna Know how is COMP and HPSC and PSYC any more appropriate than GEOS which is a BEES subject.
  15. Survivor39

    Crap Electives.....

    In Med sci, we are restricted to only crap electives like COMP, HPSC (History and Philosophy Of Science), MATH, PHYS, and Psyc.... It is called an ELECTIVE and I wanted to do Geos1211 (Environmental Science) and my request for a variation was rejected, as they said "GEOS1211 is not...
  16. Survivor39

    dilema with physics n BST

    Business studies scales really bad. I suggest you to drop it and focus on physics. Say if you get 85 in Business, and you get 75 in Physics, physics would probably still count. So why don't you spent more time and increase your physics mark to a band 5 :)
  17. Survivor39

    English Ranking/Scaling dilemma

    Your aligned exam mark would be determined by your raw mark in the exam. It is very difficult to explain what your moderated mark will be. Your moderated mark would be similar to the exam mark of someone with your rank.....Do you get it?
  18. Survivor39

    Anyone gonna choose Psyc1B?

    No. But she can still change my marks on webct. :p yeah she is. I said she was "cute". Ragerunner said she was "hot". There's a difference! :D