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  1. sassystudy

    Exchange in year 11??

    Yeah. Life in Europe is so much more expensive.. I'm thinking I'll need about 10 grand incl. airfare.. although my mum's freaking out because it's not very safe. This is for a month's stay, mind you. Then again, World Youth Day is the year after... but I don't thnk I can cut through Uni...
  2. sassystudy

    Exchange in year 11??

    I'm definitely going to Spain after yr 12, for holidays. I miss it too much! Exchange programs in year 11 are too risky, I think. Better to do it during Gap year, although I wouldn't trust myself to be able to go back to school after the year.. I dont know. Maybe it will work for you. If you...
  3. sassystudy

    Cyber Bullying/Gossip Girl

    I find it pathetic that children should imitate shows that are created for the sole purpose of entertainment. These aren't created to generate a society of destroyer-copycats. I just find it cruel that someone should start a 'burn book' or 'gossip girl' site. Everyone's self esteem varies and...
  4. sassystudy

    Who have higher standards: Men or Women?

    Yes. Bitchiness is a popular trait among girls unfortunately, which might in most cases defeat the 'mature' expectation, true?
  5. sassystudy

    Who have higher standards: Men or Women?

    I agree with Cookie182 and iiinsane. It's a matter of defining the terms 'higher standards' applies to; whether physical or psychological. I think women are more selective of a certain mentality and psychological strength as they are naturally more mature and seek formality and stability whereas...
  6. sassystudy

    Common food that YOU have never eaten or avoided.

    Believe it or not, I can't stand chocolate... The taste and the smell :s
  7. sassystudy

    What colour eyes do you have?

    Mine are sky blue, but they change with the weather, my health and my mood. They are sometimes green or grey or a more intense blue.
  8. sassystudy

    The Reading Recommendations Thread

    This is the ultimate feel-good trilogy. You will be literally laughing out loud! Queen of Babble Queen of Babble in the Big City Queen of babble gets hitched all by Meg Cabot It's currently under production to be put on the big screen, said to star Kristen Bell as...
  9. sassystudy

    Two teenage boys stabbed near Parramatta Railway Station

    Of course every other generation had crime. Only now, teenagers, especially males, are living their lives with fluffed-up egos and macho facades and will kill anyone who comes near. And I know it's not every male, but it describes the attitudes of most. And I'm not making a general comment...
  10. sassystudy

    UNI to offer communications/journ?

    Hey guys. I was wondering what UNI would be best to apply for if I were to study Comm/Journ and which course? deg or b.a or... Thanks.
  11. sassystudy

    The World of Pick-Up Line

    I love this one :) I wonder what he was going to say if you hadn't said 'unfertilised' hehe. I'll definitely remember that one.
  12. sassystudy

    lol and wtf: Unemployment falls a whole bunch

    In that sense, I agree. But casual rates of pay are higher and we've got it a hell of a lot easier than other countries. There's only so much a government can do. It's a global problem.
  13. sassystudy

    lol and wtf: Unemployment falls a whole bunch

    In that sense, you're right. Most retail companies are hiring casuals, yet publishing has plenty of openings which are on a permanent basis. And I rather put my money in the hands of a 'fool with a heart of gold' with a conscience than a corrupt one with no conscience whatsoever. I think he...
  14. sassystudy

    lol and wtf: Unemployment falls a whole bunch

    Well, since we are being adults now... I think the media is extrapolating extreme effects of the GFC, when this is showing to be erroneous. As a member of the retail industry and an observing consumer, I can say that at least in this industry, vacancies are quickly arising. I doubt that...
  15. sassystudy

    Two teenage boys stabbed near Parramatta Railway Station

    It's teenage crime after teenage crime. What kind of image is this setting for our generation?!
  16. sassystudy

    lol and wtf: Unemployment falls a whole bunch

    Rudd's doing a great job, I think ;)