Search results

  1. Neil_

    Opinions and help????? Repeating??

    Oops, my bad for partially skimming. OP: Does your school have an assessment handbook/other assessment documentation? They may contain terms of 'N determination', the award your HOD gives to you saying you fail a subject, and are forced to repeat.
  2. Neil_

    Opinions and help????? Repeating??

    Don't repeat! Honestly, if you feel as though you're learning more from self-teaching then continue to show up at school and continue to teach yourself at home. If you find that you don't need an ATAR, you could pursue a diploma at TAFE/College (if you're of leaving age i.e. 17). Besides...
  3. Neil_

    how competitive will it be to get a job after graduating from uni

    As long as you're not doing just arts by itself you'll most likely find a job.
  4. Neil_

    Leaving UTS... worth it or nah?

    I mean it all depends where you passions lie as matchalolz and bluegas said. Do you want to work in a science-related field or be in software/game dev?
  5. Neil_

    HSC Search Engine - Search for HSC Questions for any course!

    If they do, I'll take it down without hesitation.
  6. Neil_

    HSC Search Engine - Search for HSC Questions for any course!

    Haha, true true. I'm still a minor so I doubt they're gonna sue me nor do I have intentions of profiting from ads so this should be fine (hopefully... i'm very optimistic :thrust:).
  7. Neil_

    HSC Search Engine - Search for HSC Questions for any course!

    That works really well in the multiple choice, but some in short answer it doesn't work because graphs and some strange characters mess up my searching logic. I have an idea to get around this. I'll add a little button down below saying 'View full page' or 'Click here if the question is cut'...
  8. Neil_

    HSC Search Engine - Search for HSC Questions for any course!

    The way the search works is that it takes screenshots starting at the line that contains the phrase word. But science courses are different because they could potentially have a statement followed by a graph and then the question that has the search words. I need to think of a way to fix this :(
  9. Neil_

    ATAR estimate pleasee!

    ESL scales just wonderfully. In between Standard and Advanced. Just slightly below advanced
  10. Neil_

    ATAR estimate pleasee!

    Greater than 98 less than 99.95. Potentially lower if you fuck up externals, but I've seen people who've done similar subjects achieve around there (in prize giving assemblies)
  11. Neil_

    SOR survey on The Nature of Religion

    Done haha despite knowing this thread was 3 months old
  12. Neil_

    Sac survey

    Done the survey, good luck
  13. Neil_

    kind of failed my half yearlies. chance of good atar?

    Same boat as you, I didn't go good for some subjects in the HY. I'm hoping to bounce back, second trials are coming soon for us. good luck
  14. Neil_

    How is everyone going for prep on trials and HSC...

    Yeah pikachu975 and I go to the same school. 3 trials... Trial 1: 12/6/17-23/6/17 Trial 2 (CSSA): next term, week 3-5 Trial 3: next term, week 8 i believe Then the HSC.... Is this country the only country that gives you so many fkin exams spontaneously. Yet countries like Canada and Finland...
  15. Neil_

    HSC Search Engine - Search for HSC Questions for any course!

    Update: Each question will have its marking criteria/sample answers/solution files attached at the end of it so that students can quickly check if their answers are correct.
  16. Neil_

    Flowchart template? Where 2 buy?

    Yeah, they're located in Tweed Heads :uhoh:
  17. Neil_

    Flowchart template? Where 2 buy?

    No, I have to from a store in Sydney as my exam is on the 22nd (2 days from today), and it won't be able to be shipped that fast :(
  18. Neil_

    SDD Paper 2015 Question 33 d ii Wrong sample answer

    No, the sample answer is correct
  19. Neil_

    Flowchart template? Where 2 buy?

    The flowchart (attached). I would like to buy something of that sort, such as the Helix Flowchart. These are allowed in Software Examinations. I have looked everywhere, no luck. Could someone tell me where I can buy one, specifically the place exactly that sells them. Cheers, Neil