Search results

  1. K

    LCMS - cases or any statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of Migration Act 1958 (Cth)??

    Azimitabar v Commonwealth of Australia (2023) - refugee tried suing the government, the High Court ruled that the detainment of a refugee in a hotel was legal, see Court rules detainment of refugee Mostafa Azimitabar in hotel rooms was legal but lacked 'care and humanity' (ABC, 2023) for more...
  2. K

    lat scores

    Look at it!!! Otherwise you'll constantly be wondering
  3. K

    lat scores

    Haha yeah I would have found it very hard to argue for the eco-lodge, they didn't really give enough positives
  4. K

    lat scores

    I didn't do any prep specifically for the LAT - I'd already received an offer for Macquarie law so I wasn't fussed about getting a low result, and therefore took more risks with my writing. I think the main thing is to be yourself in your writing - don't try to wow the markers with James Joyce's...
  5. K

    lat scores

    Quite flabbergasted with my results - got 98/100, in the 99th percentile, no idea how
  6. K

    My first Ext. History lesson starts on Monday...I need wise advice!

    Having done EE2 and HisX I will reiterate what you've probably already been told: major works will take a lot longer and be a lot different than you may have thought! That isn't to say they're not enjoyable (they are), just don't wait until you feel you're fully prepared to start writing -...
  7. K

    HSC assessment rank thread

    Trials stuffed up my legal rank unfortunately but I'm happy. Low ranked school though
  8. K

    Historian quotes for Core, USSR, Conflict in Europe and Apartheid

    Comprehensive quote bank for historians (one page for each topic) for Core, Conflict in Europe, USSR and Apartheid. Also has an additional page of primary sources e.g. quotes from Chamberlain, Stalin and Mandela
  9. K

    Detailed Conflict in Europe notes

    Very detailed notes structured by syllabus points for Conflict in Europe
  10. K

    Detailed Core (Power and Authority) notes

    Detailed notes structured by syllabus points for Power and Authority including historians
  11. K

    2023 Literary Worlds Notes

    Notes for literary worlds including theories and quotes by notable authors. Answers the questions 'What are literary worlds', 'why are literary worlds created', and 'how are they created', and includes things such as Plato's allegory of the cave.
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    USSR National Study Notes

    Detailed notes structured by syllabus. Includes historians
  13. K

    2023 Constructing History detailed notes and quotes

    Detailed notes of historians broken into schools (e.g. relativist, Annales) with context and key quotes for each historian, as well as overview of the school and its relationship to others.
  14. K

    what exactly is in an inquiry question?

    Mine was more of an inquiry statement than a question (teachers said it was fine): My collection of vignettes as an overarching multi-form creative story explores inequity in the Australian immigration system by contrasting the experiences of a refugee detained in an Alternative Place of...
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    Belated HisX feelings S1: 17/25 S2: 18/25 35/50 and thats being generous😍
  16. K

    History Extension exam thoughts

    The real counterfactual history is what we could have achieved if the questions were actually helpful
  17. K

    History Extension exam thoughts

    I swear that's exactly what I wrote for both as well, surely if two of us wrote it we can't be wrong
  18. K

    History Extension exam thoughts

    I talked about ABBA for question 2 in terms of popular history and songs/movies being a form of communication 😭 And question 1 i just talked about how debates spur historians on to explore new methodologies - I will be ecstatic if I get a band E3
  19. K

    History Extension exam thoughts

    I'm so underprepared, I can't remember any historians for Napoleon and I've got no clue how to structure my arguments
  20. K

    2023ers send me all your resources

    I've done the following units that I'm willing to give to anyone who wants them (warning: I don't have much for some stuff) English adv: (mostly just essays I've written) Common module: Merchant of Venice Module A: John Donne and W;t Module B: Artist of the floating world English ext 1...