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  1. L

    UNSW Census Date for Semester 2?

    The websites are weird, can't really find it. It's all over the place.
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    UAC automatically put my school in the EAS thing. Everyone in my school got a UAC letter regarding we did not have to apply. I did it anyway cause I wanted to be safe and I had to apply for 4 more extra EAS schemes...
  3. L

    What University Course Are You Aiming For?

    Prelim: 90+ atar UNSW Commerce Now: 87 Atar Switch from computer engo to comp sci and going to switch soon to information systems OR Commerce/Infosys if im lucky.. 3 degrees in one semester woww LOL. Shouldve just put commerce first now knowing i got taht bonus 10 EAS points... FML.
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    New Transcript when transferring to another degree?

    Hey guys, do we get new transcripts when transferring to a completely different degree?
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    Commerce/SEngo VS Commerce/CompSci

    Thoughts? Compsci makes the degree 1 and a half years less. I dont see the difference between SENG and CompSci. Which one would you guys recommend for better job opportunities/prospects. I'm thinking of working more in the financial industry but I want skills to code. Cheers.
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    Meeting the cutoff and still not getting an offer? this was the most recent rounf for offers...
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    Meeting the cutoff and still not getting an offer?

    Hey guys, so I met the cutoff (got 96.60) for comm/engo (96.30) and they won't send me an offer. I'm actually worried. I really do not want to do engo by it self anymore. its too plain boring. i'm actually worried. will i get in???????????????? cheers.
  8. L

    Is there such thing as Economics/Computer Science Degree?

    Yea just wondering, im interested in both...
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    Are first years able to transfer in their first year?

    I'm a first year and I re logged into uac and changed up my preferences. Just put them start date "relevant date for semester." I got another offer without paying anything.
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    Switching degrees

    I have another offer from UAC for comp sci and I need to focus on 1917... Like a lot... So yeah, im going to drop physics after my lab this week so I dont completely abandon my lab partner :D
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    Switching degrees

    So the courses i'm currently studying are: comp1917 math1131 engg1000 phys1121 Say I pass comp, pass/credit math and D/HD for engg1000 and have AW for phys1121, would taht put me in a bad postion for my 'academic standing'?
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    Switching degrees

    Hey guys, Im currently studying computer engineering and going to switch to computer science next semester. I currently do phys1121 as a core subject. If i were to drop it now (since its useless in compsci); will it affect my wam (as in a 0)? Cheers.
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    So when would I be able to do discrete? During the summer?
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    Hi guys, I am currently studying comp eng and I want to switch to comp sci for semester 2. As i will continue onto math 1231 and comp1927, i also have to pick two electives. So my question is, am i allowed to pick up discrete maths (a core subject i think) as an elective since i did not do it...
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    EAS - Semester 2

    Hey guys, just wondering if EAS points from semester 1 offers still apply to semester 2 offers (later rounds)?
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    Adding Commerce to my undergrad engo degree

    Yea but like; idk. i find it hard! haha
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    Adding Commerce to my undergrad engo degree

    Eng is pretty good! Its just physics that's killing me cause i didnt do it for the HSC. Physics is the only thing stopping me to get that WAM. I bet im going to fall short by like 1 or 2 points again... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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    Adding Commerce to my undergrad engo degree

    Guess its IPT then... Short buy 1 atar point. FML. Thanks guys!
  19. L

    How to handle uni group assignments????

    ENG1000? Haha sounds like my group!