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    is time travel possible?(not including twins paradox)

    thax man here is the wiki def for lazy shits The paradox is this: suppose a man travelled back in time and killed his biological grandfather before the latter met the traveler's grandmother. As a result, one of the traveler's parents (and by extension the traveller himself) would never have...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    advice: one post = one answer to one person so long as u dont write an incomprehensible wall of text that is fine... i much prefer succint thoughts rather than infinite ramblings of a angry mind faraday bless bd
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    is time travel possible?(not including twins paradox)

    one can only move forward in time not back... the only way to time travel is to get enough energy to propel u forwards at a significant percentage of the speed of light for a while and somehow aviod the crushing g-forces BUT.... if person A and person B could both go back in time at the same...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    thankyou i learned something... i am truly shocked to find that some aspects of christianity can be ignored as they are considerd false. so i would like to change my focus to the later part of the question that is.... how does the death of a man 2000 years ago "set me free" when i had not part...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    i can see that social conditioning does have a large impact but we are also socically conditoned to belive in the existence of santa and the tooth is only the true idiots among us that continue this belief into early adulthood...apoligies to any christians who just had their belief...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    not always sometimes they are simply too stupid to understand science or too lazy to develop their own morals or too stubborn to realise the contradictions that act as the basis of christianty.... but seriously waiting?
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    yeah i think all of the hypocrisy, talking animals and total ignorance of anything scientfic made that pretty clear man...i was just curious as to how and why people like jrmccann can find such inspiration and assurance of yahweh's divine will out of something so totally nonsensical as the...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    i have question about the sacrifice of jesus... if we take the holy trinity as the truth i.e. that yahweh, jesus and the holy spirit are united as one entity .... then god thought that it would be an appropriate method of relieving all of humanity of their sins by sacrificing a part of...
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    biology vs physics vs chemistry

    physics!! yes there is some tricky maths but everything can be derived from a few fundamental principles unlike chem in which everything has some exception or infuriating comlexity...and bio is not a science it is more like a history as it is mainly memorising facts with some simplistic...